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Last Updated on 11 Jul 2019

Author: Andreas Victor Walser

CAPInv. 1022: Temenitai

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Ionia
iii. Site Miletus

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) Τεμενῖται (Milet VI.2 803 l. 10)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Temenitai

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) 24 (?) / 23 (?) BC

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

ii. Name elements

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) Milet VI.2 803
Note Herrmann 1980: 235-236 f)
Online Resources Herrmann 1980: 235-236 f)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script List of members (?) Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Fragment of an inscription

Hide this section VII. ORGANIZATION

iii. Members Τεμενῖται, Temenitai
iv. Officials χρυσονόμος, chrysonomos

If he was an eponymous official (cf. next field), they must have administered their office for a year.

Most other milesian inscriptions listing Temenitai mention the chrysonomos together with a γραμματεύς, grammateus.
Eponymous officials The chrysonomos is mentioned in the praescript after the milesian στεφανήφορος, stephanephoros, the eponymous of the city. Therefore, he seems to be the eponymous official of the association.


i. Treasury/Funds Since the chrysonomos was the treasurer of the association, it must have had some kind of treasury.

Hide this section IX. MEMBERSHIP

i. Number 6 or more

The inscription records the names of six members, but it is probably incomplete.
ii. Gender Men

Hide this section XII. NOTES

i. Comments The inscription does not specify the name of the association but just uses the generic term Τεμενεῖται, Temeneitai, without the usual reference to certain gods. The association could therefore be identical with one of the other milesian associations of Τεμεν(ε)ῖται, Temen(e)itai, or τεμενίζοντες, temenizontes.

On groups of temenizontes, Temenitai in Miletus in general cf. CAPInv. 998.
iii. Bibliography Günther, W. (1995), 'Zwei neue Temenitenverzeichnisse aus Milet', Chiron 25: 43-53.
Herrmann, P. (1980), 'Urkunden milesischer Temenitai', MDAI(I) 30: 223-239.

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology employed (temeneitai) and the religious character indicates a private association.