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Last Updated on 03 Mar 2017

Author: Alexandru Avram

CAPInv. 1116: U-THR-024


i. Geographical area Thrace
ii. Region Euxine Coast
iii. Site Apollonia Pontica


i. Association with unknown name U-THR-024


i. Date(s) ii / iii AD


i. Source(s) IGBulg I2 401 (l. ii - e. iii AD)
Note See also: Jaccottet II no. 46; CIG 2052
Online Resources IGBulg I2 401 and AGRW ID 13940
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Catalogue (in Greek) of the members of a Dionysiac association. The names are accompanied by patronyms and titles.
i.c. Physical format(s) Not known because the stone is lost.
ii. Source(s) provenance Apollonia Pontica


ii. Leadership Perhaps Pha[ - ] the ἔκδικος ekdikos (ll. 4-5). “Cet ekdikos a peut-être été à la tête de l'administration de ces collèges, si l'on en croit le sens très juridique que prend ce terme dans le vocabulaire non associatif” (Jaccottet II no. 46).
iii. Members

iv. Officials One λικναφόρος, liknaphoros (l. 2), i.e. one who bears the λίκνον, liknon (cf. IGBulg III.1 1517, ll. 32 and 34; IGUR I 160, l. I.B.11; Jaccottet 2003: I.38-40 with n. 46).
One βουκόλος, boukolos (l. 3).
One κρατηρία<ρχ>ος, krateria<rch>os (hapax; ll. 5-6), i.e. an official of the banquet.
One ἀρχιμύσ[της], archimys[tes] (l. 6).
17 γάλ<λ>αροι, gal(l)aroi (ll. 7-16) (cf. IGBulg III.1 1517, l. 19: ἀρχιγ̣άλλαρος, archigallaros).
One ἀρχιβασσάρα, archibassara (l. 16), i.e. a chief of bacchants (cf. IGUR I 160, ll. I.B.5 and 24).
One κισταφόρος, kistaphoros (ll. 16-7).


i. Number More than 35.
ii. Gender Men
Note Only two women: the ἀρχιβασσάρα, archibassara and the κισταφόρος, kistaphoros.
iii. Age Adults


i. Comments There are just the offices mentioned for some of the members which allow to identify this catalogue with a list of members of a Dionysiac mystery association.
iii. Bibliography Jaccottet, A.-F. (2003), Choisir Dionysos. Les associations dionysiaques ou la face cachée du dionysisme. 2 vols. Zurich.
Slavova, M. (2002), ‘Mystery Clubs in Bulgarian Lands in Antiquity’, OpAth 27: 137-149 (text of the inscription: 144-5; terms designating some officials: 148).
Shopova, I. (2003), ‘A Note on the Thracian Orphism in Roman Thrace’, Thracia 15: 651-6 (SEG 53, 645 bis; EBGR 2005, 145).


i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology and organisation point to a private association.