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Last Updated on 14 Mar 2017

Author: Alexandru Avram

CAPInv. 1296: He synodos peri hierea X (kai) patera (synodou) Y


i. Geographical area Black Sea Region
ii. Region North coast of the Black Sea
iii. Site Pantikapaion


i. Full name (original language) Ἡ σύνοδος περὶ ἱερέα τὸν δεῖνα (καὶ) πατέρα (συνόδου) τὸν δεῖνα (CIRB 95-96, 98-99, 103-105)
ii. Full name (transliterated) He synodos peri hierea X (kai) patera (synodou) Y


i. Date(s) f. iii AD


ii. Name elements
Personal:peri hierea X
peri patera (synodou) Y
iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος, synodos
Note synodos: CIRB 95-96, 98-99, 103-105.


i. Source(s) CIRB 95 (e. iii AD).
CIRB 96 (204 AD).
CIRB 97 (210 AD).
CIRB 98 (214 AD).
CIRB 99 (221 AD).
CIRB 100 (221 AD).
CIRB 103 (f. iii AD).
CIRB 104 (f. iii AD).
CIRB 105 (f. iii AD).
Note Other publications:
CIRB 96: SEG 2: 485
CIRB 103: IOSPE IV 211
CIRB 104: AGRW 88
CIRB 105: IOSPE IV 207 + addenda
Online Resources CIRB 95 and AGRW ID 7645
CIRB 96 and AGRW ID 7648
CIRB 97 and AGRW ID 7651
CIRB 98 and AGRW ID 7654
CIRB 99 and AGRW ID 7656
CIRB 100 and AGRW ID 7660
CIRB 103 and AGRW ID 7668
CIRB 104 and AGRW ID 1764
CIRB 105 and AGRW ID 7714
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script All the records are Greek tombstones set up by the σύνοδος, synodos, for some of its members, possibly with the only exception of CIRB 99, which could be, although less probably, an honorific monument (cf. l. 22: τειμῆς χάρι[ν], teimes chari[n]).
i.c. Physical format(s) CIRB 95: upper part of a limestone stele.
CIRB 96: completely preserved limestone stele restored from two joining parts.
CIRB 97: fragmentary limestone stele restored from three joining parts.
CIRB 98: completely preserved limestone stele restored from two joining parts.
CIRB 99: completely preserved limestone stele restored from three joining parts.
CIRB 100: under part of a limestone stele.
CIRB 103: completely preserved limestone stele restored from three joining parts.
CIRB 104: completely preserved limestone stele.
CIRB 105: upper part of a limestone stele.


ii. Leadership One ἱερεύς, hiereus (Papa[s] Pannycho(u) in CIRB 95, ll. 2-4; Poplios Ioulianos in CIRB 96, ll. 2-3; Kallisthenes (Kallisthenous) in CIRB 98, ll. 2-3; Ioulios Neik<e>phoros in CIRB 99, ll. 2-4; Pappos [Ar]dabako[u] in CIRB 103, ll. 1-2; Oualeri(o)s Neikostr[a]tou in CIRB 104, ll. 4-7, and 105, ll. 3-5).
iii. Members Mentioned as οἱ λοιποὶ θιασῖται, hoi loipoi thiasitai (CIRB 98, ll. 10-11), θιασῶται, thiasotai (CIRB 96, l. 10), or οἱ λοιποὶ συνοδεῖται, l. συνοδῖται hoi loipoi synoditai (CIRB 96, ll. 8-9; 97, ll. 4-5; 99, ll. 16-18; 103, l. 9; 104, ll. 12-14).
The tombstones mention the names of six deceased, who formerly had been members of the association (CIRB 96, ll. 11-12; 97, ll. 7-8; 98, ll. 13-14; 99, ll. 18-19; 103, ll. 10-11; 104, ll. 17-18). One of the deceased is called ἀδελφός, adelphos (CIRB 104, ll. 15-16).
iv. Officials One πατὴρ συνόδου, pater synodou (CIRB 95, ll. 5-6; 96, ll. 3-5; 98, ll. 4-6; 99, ll. 5-7; 100, ll. 1-3; 103, l. 3; 104, ll. 8-11; 105, ll. 5-6, same person as in CIRB 104). One of the πατέρες, pateres (CIRB 98) is designated at the same time as ἐπὶ τῆς αὐλῆς, epi tes aules, i.e. an official at the royal court (cf. CAPInv. 1299 and 1304).
One συναγωγός, synagogos (CIRB 96, ll. 5-6; 98, ll. 8-9; 99, ll. 7-9; 100, ll. 4-6; 103, ll. 4-5; 105, ll. 7-9).
One φιλάγαθος, philagathos (CIRB 96, ll. 6-7; 97, ll. 2-3; 98, ll. 2-3; 100, ll. 6-8; 103, ll. 4-5; 105, ll. 9-11).
One παραφιλάγαθος, paraphilagathos (CIRB 99, ll. 13-15; 100, ll. 8-10; 103, ll. 5-6).
One γυμνασιάρχης, gymnasiarches, and one νεανισκάρχης, neaniskarches (CIRB 103, ll. 6-8), possibly association officials rather than city officials in this case (cf. in Tanais CAPInv. 1324).


ii. Gender Men
Note The preserved names are male names.
iii. Age Children
Note Membership by youth may be surmised y the title of νεανισκάρχης, neaniskarches (CIRB 103, l. 8).
iv. Status We also note the membership of royal and possibly civic officials. One of the πατέρες, pateres (CIRB 98) is in fact also designated as ἐπὶ τῆς αὐλῆς, epi tes aules, i.e. an official at the royal court (cf. CAPInv. 1299 and 1304). We also have one gymnasiarches and one neaniskarches (CIRB 103, ll. 6-8): possibly association officials rather than city officials in this case.


i. Local interaction The leadership of a royal official (ἐπὶ τῆς αὐλῆς, epi tes aules; see VII.iv: Officials) suggests interaction with royal authorities. Possible link with the gymnasium (see the γυμνασιάρχης, gymnasiarches, and the νεανισκάρχης, neaniskarches).


i. Comments Σύνοδος, synodos normally designates the assembly of a θίασος, thiasos, cf. Gauthier in BE 2001: no. 312 and Chaniotis in SEG 47: 1199 and 49: 1053.
The mentioned texts seem to originate from the same association. All these records mention a ἱερεύς, hiereus, as head of the association, followed by a πατὴρ συνόδου, pater synodou and a συναγωγός, synagogos (therefore, different from CAPInv. 1281, where there is no πατὴρ συνόδου, pater synodou). The inscriptions being all from the first half of the 3nd century AD seem to suggest an association founded under King Sauromates II and as having as distinctive feature the presence of a πατὴρ συνόδου, pater synodou as 'number two' after the ἱερεύς, hiereus, and before the συναγωγός, synagogos, φιλάγαθος, philagathos, and παραφιλάγαθος, paraphilagatos. All these officies were annual. CIRB 104 and 105 mention the same ἱερεύς, hiereus, and the same πατὴρ συνόδου, pater synodou: they, therefore, date from the same year.
ii. Poland concordance Poland B 117 D (CIRB 105)
Poland B 117 G (CIRB 103)
iii. Bibliography Zavojkina, N.V. (2012), Bosporskie fiasy: mezhdu polisom i monarkhiej [Bosporan Thiasoi: Between Polis and Monarchy]. Moscow: 64-7, 252-3 (about CIRB 100), 255 (about CIRB 97).
Kreuz, P.-A. (2012), Die Grabreliefs aus dem Bosporanischen Reich. Leuven, Paris, Walpole MA: 513 no. 146 (CIRB 103); 514 no. 147 (CIRB 99); 514 no. 148 (CIRB 98); 544 no. 253 (CIRB 96).
Harland, P.A. (2014), Greco-Roman Associations: Texts, Translations, and Commentaries. II. North Coast of the Black Sea, Asia Minor. Berlin, Boston: 22 and 37.


i. Private association Certain
Note The terminology employed points to a private association.