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Last Updated on 09 Jan 2019

Author: Matt Gibbs & Philip F. Venticinque

CAPInv. 1441: geouchoi hoi apo Psenemphaias tou Ptolemaiou nomou


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Gynaikopolites (L03)
iii. Site Psenemphaia


i. Full name (original language) γεοῦχοι οἱ ἀπὸ Ψενεμφαίας τοῦ Πτολεμαίου νομοῦ (I.Prose 49 l. 4)
ii. Full name (transliterated) geouchoi hoi apo Psenemphaias tou Ptolemaiou nomou


i. Date(s) 5 BC


ii. Name elements
Geographical:apo Psenemphaias tou Ptolemaiou nomou
iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος synodos l. 54
Note synodos: I.Prose 49 ll. 51, 54


i. Source(s) I.Prose 49 (3 May 5 BC)
Note Other editions: SB V 8267; I.Delta, pp. 899-913 no. 2
Online Resources I.Prose 49
TM 103907
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Honorary inscription in Greek
i.c. Physical format(s) stele


ii. References to buildings/objects The "Kleopatreion of Aristion," τὸ Ἀριστίωνος Κλεοπάτρειον to Aristionos Kleopatreion (l.3-4: ἐν τῶι Ἀριστίωνος Κλεοπατρείῳ; l. 37-8: τὸ τῶν γεούχων Ἀριστίωνος Κλεοπάτρειον) appears to have been the association clubhouse.


i. Founder(s) Aristion(?). The clubhouse appears to have been named after him (The "Kleopatreion of Ariston," ll. 3-4, ll. 37-8).
ii. Leadership Apollonios, ἱερεύς hiereus, προστάτης prostates, and κωμάρχης komarches (l. 5): he also held the ἀρχιερωσύνη διὰ βίου archierosyne dia biou (l. 21). Before him, it appears his father Theon was at least the ἀρχιερεύς archiereus for the association (l. 9).
iii. Members οἱ πλεῖστοι hoi pleistoi (l. 6); οἱ συνγέωργοι hoi syngeorgoi (l. 17).
vi. Laws and rules Αttempts by other members of the association to adjust, or to fail to countersign the decrees of Apollonios (ll. 47), resulted in a fine of 3000 silver drachmas (l. 51-52).
vii. Judicial system The final clause at the end of the stele concerning fines for failing to support the new president's decrees (ll. 46-55) suggests that there may have been a judicial system therein, but a definitive answer is impossible.
viii. Obligations It appears that with Apollonios as president, attempts by other members of the association to adjust, or to fail to countersign the decrees that he made (ll. 47), resulted in a fine of 3000 silver drachmas (l.51-52). Whether this was the case under the previous encumbant as president is entirely unclear.


i. Treasury/Funds A treasury(?), λόγος logos (l. 51)
ii. Realty The "Kleopatreion of Aristion," τὸ Ἀριστίωνος Κλεοπάτρειον to Aristionos Kleopatreion (l. 3-4), clubhouse of the association.


ii. Gender Men
Note The recorded members are men.
iii. Age Children
Note The son of Apollonios, Theon who is apparently not yet an ephebe (ll.33-35). The remaining members appear to be adults.
v. Relations The president, Apollonios, has a son, Theon who is a member of the association, or at least is permitted to banquet with the association members (it seems to have been a singular honor, ll. 33-35). Apollonios himself is the son of Theon who was the previous encumbant as ἀρχιερεύς archiereus for the association (l. 9).
vi. Proper names and physical features Apollonios, son of Theon; Theon (?); Aristion


i. Assemblies συναγωγή synagoge (l. 3).
iv. Honours/Other activities In return for Apollonios' support and help, the association decides to make two ἀσπιδεῖα aspideia (ll. 34, 37) with Apollonios’ portrait, one of which will be put in the Kleopatreion of Aristion; this will be crowned during the drinking ceremonies. Apollonios will receive the double portion of meat of the sacrifices (ll. 39-40: καὶ διπλᾶ μέρη δίδοσθαι αὐτῶι dipla mere didosthai autoi) and will also have an inscription engraved on the architrave of the meeting-hall of the association(ll. 40-41: ἐπιγράψαι ἐπὶ τὸ ἐπιστύλιον τοῦ οἴκου epigrapsai epi to epistylion tou oikou). Moreover they decide to make an ἀσπιδεῖον aspideion with the portrait of Apollonios’ young son (ll. 34-35) and to grant him the privilege to dine together with the members of the association before being entered in the list of ephebes (presumably of Alexandria [?]) (ll. 35-36).


iii. Bibliography Whitehorne, J.E.G. (1982) "The ephebate and the gymnasial class in Roman Egypt." BASP 19: 171-84
P. van Minnen (2000), ‘Euergetism in Graeco–Roman Egypt’, in L. Mooren (ed.), Politics, Administration and Society in the Hellenistic and Roman World. Leuven: 437-69


i. Private association Certain
Note The clauses on the stele, their context, and the group terminology (including the terms for members and the officials of the association) all suggest that this was a private association.