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Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 2086: toi katoikeuntes en Lindia polei kai georgeuntes en tai Lindia



i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Lindos


i. Full name (original language) τοὶ κατοικεῦντες ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλει καὶ γεωργεῦντες ἐν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ
ii. Full name (transliterated) toi katoikeuntes en Lindia polei kai georgeuntes en tai Lindia


i. Date(s) 137 BC - i AD


i. Name in other forms [τῶν — — —] κ̣αὶ̣ γε[ωργεύντων ἐν] τᾶι [— — —] (Lindos II 229, ll. 3–4, 137 BCE)

[τῶν κατοικεύν]των ἐν Λινδίαι πόλει, (Lindos II 264, ll. 14–15, late second century BCE)

τῶν κα̣[τ]οικεύντων [ἐ]ν Λιν[δίαι πόλει καὶ γ]εωργεύντων ἐν | [τᾶι] Λινδίαι
καὶ Ἀθα[ναϊστᾶν κοινόν], (Lindos II 300a, ll. 4–6, 121 BCE)

[τῶν κ]ατοικεύντων ἐν Λινδίαι πόλει and τῶν [γεωργεύν]των ἐν τᾶι Λινδίαι, (Cl. Rhodos 2 1932, 210, no. 48, ll. 12–13, 69 BCE)

τοὶ κατοικεῦντες ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλει καὶ γεωργεῦντες ἐν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ·, (Lindos II 349, ll. 44–47, 38 BCE)

[τῶν] γεωργεύντων ἐ[ν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ] and [τῶν κα]τοικεύντ[ω]ν ἐν [Λινδίᾳ πόλει], (Lindos II 400, ll. 3–4, late first century BCE)

[τοὶ κατοικεῦ]ντες ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλι καὶ γεωργεῦντες [καὶ ναυκλ]αρεῦντες ἐν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ, (SEG 14:511, ll. 15–16, c. 9 BCE)

τῶ[ν κατοικεύντων ἐν Λ]ινδίᾳ πόλει [καὶ] γε[ωργ]εύν[τ]ω[ν ἐ]ν τᾷ Λ[ινδίᾳ], (Lindos II 391, ll. 28–29, 10 CE)

τῶ[ν κατ]ο[ικεύν]των [ἐν Λινδίᾳ] πόλει καὶ γεωργεύντων [ἐν τᾷ] Λιν[δίᾳ], (Lindos II 392, ll. 10–11, 10 CE)

γε<ωρ>γεῦντες ἐν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ and τοὶ κατοικεῦντες ἐ[ν Λινδίᾳ πόλει] (Lindos II 394, ll. 8 & 10–11, 10 CE)

τῶν κατοικεύντων καὶ γεωργεύντων ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλει, (IG XII 762, ll. 18–19, 22 CE)

[τῶν κατ]οικεύντων [ἐν] Λινδίᾳ πόλ[ει] καὶ γεωργεύντων [ἐν τᾷ Λινδίᾳ], (Lindos II 420, ll. 21–22, 22/3 CE)

[τοὶ κατοικεῦντ]ες ἐν Λινδίαι πόλει καὶ [γεωργεῦντες] ἐν τᾶι Λινδίαι, (N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 25, ll. 3–4, date unknown)

το̣[— — — καὶ τοὶ κατοικεῦντες] ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλι, (N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 29, ll. 23–24, ‘Roman period’)

τοὶ κατοικεῦντες ἐν Λινδίᾳ πό[λ]ει, (Lindos II 425, ll. 6–8, c. 30–40 AD)

τοὶ γεωργεῦντες καὶ κατοικεῦντες ἐν Λινδίᾳ (Peek Inschr.Dor.Insl. no 46)
ii. Name elements
Geographical:ἐν Λινδίᾳ πόλει
Status-related:Katoikeuntes en Lindia polei - meaning ‘those who reside in Lindia’. In the case of Lindos it likely referred to parts of the substantial body of resident non-citizens (Thomsen 2017, 294-300).

Georgeuntes - meaning ‘those who work the land’. As above, this likely refers to the substantial body of resident non-citizens. Even though they were professionally involved in agriculture in the territory of Lindos, they could be men of substantial wealth (Thomsen 2017, 294-300).

naukl]areuntes - meaning ‘shippers’. Only once attested as a naming element of the association (SEG 14:511, ll. 15–16).
Theophoric:Ἀθαναιισταί, Athanaistai - From the doric spelling of Athena (Morrelli, I culti in Rodi [Pisa, 1959] 2-13, 80-89).
iii. Descriptive terms κοινὸν, koinon?
Note Blinkenberg had restored koinon in Lindos II 300, a restoration that, although possible, cannot be verified. It has not been used as a descriptive term for the association anywhere else.


i. Source(s) Lindos II 229 (137 BC)
Lindos II 264 (l. ii BC)
Lindos II 300a (121 or 70 BC, see comments )
Cl. Rhodos 2, no 48 (69 BC)
Lindos II 349 (38 BC)
Lindos II 400 (l. i BC)
SEG 14:511 (9 BC)
Lindos II 391 (10 AD)
Lindos II 392 (10 AD)
Lindos II 394 (10 AD)
IG XII 762 (22 AD)
Lindos II 420 (22/3 AD)
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 25 (unknown)
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 29 (Roman period)
Lindos II 425 (c. 40-50 AD)
Peek Inschr.Dor.Insl. no 46 (Earlier than 146-147 AD?)
Online Resources Lindos II 229 (137 BC)
Lindos II 264 (l. ii BC)
Lindos II 300a (121 BC)
Cl. Rhodos 2, no 48 (69 BC)
Lindos II 349 (38 BC)
Lindos II 400 (l. i BC)
SEG 14:511 (9 BC)
Lindos II 391 (10 AD)
Lindos II 392 (10 AD)
Lindos II 394 (10 AD)
IG XII 762 (22 AD)
Lindos II 420 (22/3 AD)
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 25 (unknown)
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 29 (Roman period)
Lindos II 425 (c. 40-50 AD)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedicatory-honourific inscription in Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Lindos II 229: Cylendrical base of Lartian marble.
Lindos II 264 (l. ii BC): A block which was a part of a larger base of white marble. It was an honorific dedication to a winner of a choragic competition.
Lindos II 300a (121 or 70 BC, see comments ): A part of an inscription that was written on two rectangular blocs. It was part of a larger statue base, that would have carried three statues.
Cl. Rhodos 2, no 48 (69 BC)
Lindos II 349 (38 BC): A rectangular statue base of Lartian marble.
Lindos II 400 (l. i BC): Fragment of a rectangular honorific base.
SEG 14:511 (9 BC): Part of a large monument which consisted of five blocks of Lartian Marble.
Lindos II 391 (10 AD): Rectangular stele of Lartian marble resembling Lindos II 392 a-b. The inscription has been extensively corroded.
Lindos II 392 (10 AD): Rectangular stele of Lartian marble resembling Lindos II 391. The face of the inscription has been flattened.
Lindos II 394 (10 AD): Rectangular statue base. The first line of the inscription was written on a superimposed stone, now lost.
IG XII 762 (22 AD)
Lindos II 420 (22/3 AD): Rectangular double base with molded entablature made of several blocs of lartian marble.
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 25 (unknown)
N. Suppl. Epig. Rodio 29 (Roman period)
Lindos II 425: A small rectangular base possibly of Lartian marble. The inscription is engraved on the opposite side of an earlier inscription that would originally have carried a votive statue (cf. Lindos II 179).


i. Private association Probable