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Last Updated on 03 Mar 2017

Author: Thom Russell

CAPInv. 315: hoi mystai Dionysou Kallonos

Hide this section I. LOCATION

i. Geographical area Thrace
ii. Region Propontic Thrace
iii. Site Byzantion

Hide this section II. NAME

i. Full name (original language) οἱ μύσται Διονύσου Κάλλωνος (I.Byzantion 30, ll. 6-7)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi mystai Dionysou Kallonos

Hide this section III. DATE

i. Date(s) 85 - 116 AD

Hide this section IV. NAME AND TERMINOLOGY

ii. Name elements
Theophoric:Dionysos Kallon

Hide this section V. SOURCES

i. Source(s) I.Byzantion 30-31 (AD 85-96)
I.Byzantion 32-34 (AD 50-100)
I.Byzantion 35 (AD 102-116)
(possibly) I.Byzantion 36 (late I / early II AD)
Note Other publications:
IByzantion 30: SEG 18: 279
IByzantion 31: AGRW 68; GRA I 90; Jaccottet II no. 38/2; SEG 18: 280
IByzantion 32: SEG 18: 283
IByzantion 33: SEG 18: 282
IByzantion 34: SEG 18: 284
IByzantion 35: SEG 18: 281
Online Resources I.Byzantion 30 and AGRW ID 13953
I.Byzantion 31 and AGRW ID 2638
I.Byzantion 32 and AGRW ID 13955
I.Byzantion 33 and AGRW ID 13958
I.Byzantion 34 and AGRW ID 13960
I.Byzantion 35 and AGRW ID 13962
I.Byzantion 36
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Greek records of decisions passed by a group calling themselves οἱ μύσται Διονύσου Κάλλωνος, hoi mystai Dionysou Kallonos to grant honours to prior members of their association. I.Byzantion 36 is a fragmentary inscription which may relate to the same association (see commentary in edition).
i.c. Physical format(s) White marble, with reliefs depicting various items: wreaths/crowns, palm-branches, oil bottles, tripods.
ii. Source(s) provenance All discovered in Κüçükçekmece, west of Istanbul, the ancient village of Rhegion in Byzantion's European territory.

Hide this section VII. ORGANIZATION

iii. Members οἱ μύσται Διονύσου Κάλλωνος, hoi mystai Dionysou Kallonos.
iv. Officials γυμνασίαρχος, gymnasiarchos (I.Byzantion 30, l. 9, 11-12; 32, ll. 6-7; 33, ll. 6-7; 35, ll. 4-5)
ἱερεύς, hiereus (I.Byzantion 31, l. 6)
ἱεροποιός, hieropoios (I.Byzantion 32, l. 1; 33, l. 1; 34, l. 2; 35, l. 1)
ἀρχιερεύς, archiereus (I.Byzantion 32, l. 2; 34, l. 5; 36, l. 2)
εὔθυνος, euthynos (I.Byzantion 32, l. 6)
ἀγνοθέτης, agnothetes (I.Byzantion 32, l. 7; 35, ll. 3-4, ll. 5-6)

Hide this section IX. MEMBERSHIP

ii. Gender Men
iv. Status Some of the members and officials seem to have been slaves or freedmen: Semnos slave or freedman of Lollia Catullia (see commentary in edition).
The onomastics of the people honoured is often Latin: Crispina, Gaius Iulius Italicus (Roman citizen?). Other names are Greek.
v. Relations Lollia Catulla, the daugher of Quintus, appears as hieropoios 'for the second time' on I.Byzantion 33, again with her husband Gaius Julius Italicus as priestess of the imperial cult, on I.Byzantion 34, and her slave or freedman Semnos, appears as ἱερεύς, hiereus on I.Byzantion 31 and εὔθυνος, euthynos on I.Byzantion 32: cf. on the family.

Poplius Memmius Pl(autianus) on I.Byzantion 36 may be the Poplius Memmius Plautioanus Matrodoros of I.Byzantion 35 (see; cf. 308 for other Memmii at Byzantion, with Łajtar 2000: 69 and 215.

Hide this section X. ACTIVITIES

iv. Honours/Other activities Honours granted during the local month Βοσπορίος, Bosporios. On this month, see the editors comments. Some honorands are called euergetai, benefactors.

Hide this section XII. NOTES

iii. Bibliography Łajtar, A. (2000) I.Byzantion, pp. 60-2, and commentary on individual inscriptions at pp. 62-70.
Merkelbach, R. (1988), Die Hirten des Dionysos: Die Dionysos-Mysterien der römischen Kaiserzeit und der bukolische Roman des Longus. Stuttgart: 23.
Robert, L. (1946), Hellenica: Recueil d'épigraphie, de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques. Vol. 2. Paris: 154.
Robert, L. (1960), Hellenica: Recueil d'épigraphie, de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques. Vol. 11-12. Paris: 597-600.
Robert, L. (1978), ‘Documents d'Asie Mineure’, BCH 102.1: 395-543 (at 530).
Taşlikioğlu, Z. (1959), ‘Rhegion Küçükçekmece Kitabeleri’, Belleten 23: 545-62 (non vidi).

Hide this section XIII. EVALUATION

i. Private association Certain
Note The members of the association call themselves μύσται, mystai, they pass decisions as an official body, and the association possesses a range of officials. On this, see the editor's comments.