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PDFLast Updated on 02 Mar 2017
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Full name (original language) |
thiasus Maenad(um) regianarum (An.Ép. 1939: no. 192, ll. 2-3)
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Full name (transliterated) |
thiasus Maenad(um) regianarum
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Name elements |
Cultic: | Maenades | Other: | regianae: The meaning is not clear. Jaccottet II no. 25 translates as 'royal' and sees a reference to literary tradition (Greek tragedy) and the daughters of Cadmus; GRA I 71 tentatively suggests the translation 'distinguished'; Philhofer 2000: 103, no. 340/L589 omits the term in his translation but wonders if it occurs here in order to differentiate from some other thiasus of Maenads. |
iii. |
Descriptive terms |
thiasus, thiasus
Note |
thiasus: An.Ép. 1939: no. 192, l. 2
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Source(s) |
An.Ép. 1939: no. 192 (i - ii AD)
Note |
See also: Jaccottet II no. 25; GRA I 71
Online Resources |
An.Ép. 1939: no. 192 and AGRW ID 2251
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Dedication to Liber, Libera and Hercules in Latin
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
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Source(s) provenance |
Philippi, found in a small building unearthed below the NW corner of the Roman baths. In BCH 103 (1979): 624 reported as lost during World War II; present whereabouts unknown.
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Archaeological remains |
Inscriptions referring to Liber, Libera and Hercules and found in this same area (for a list of which, see Pilhofer 2009: no. 338/L333) suggest that the structure below the Roman baths may have been a small sanctuary devoted to this cult. The baths were built in the middle of the 3rd cent. AD, thus offering a terminus ante quem for the construction and use of the building below.
ii. |
References to buildings/objects |
As indicated by the text, the thiasus provided for the supply of water (ll. 3-4: aq[ua]m induxit, aq[ua]m induxit) to the cult place where the inscription was found, see GRA I 71.
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Members |
The members are referred to as Maenades regianae (An.Ép. 1939: no. 192, ll. 2-3).
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Gender |
Note |
As indicated by the reference to Maenads, the members were women.
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Worship |
The term Maenades indicate orgiastic rites and suggests worship of Dionysus by the group.
Deities worshipped |
i. |
Comments |
Thiasus Maenad(arum) regianar(um), on the stone, according to Collart 1937: 368, no. 1, followed by Jaccottet II no. 25. Thiasus Maenad(um) regianar(um), according to Nigdelis, followed by Philhofer 2000: 103, no. 340/L589 and GRA I 71. For Jaccottet II no. 25 the use of the term Maenadarum instead of Baccharum and the epithet regianarum, understood as a reference to the daughters of Cadmus, indicate 'a poetic rather than a ritual language'.
The date is tentatively suggested by Jaccottet II no. 25.
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Bibliography |
Collart, P. (1937), Philippes, ville de Macédoine depuis ses origines jusqu’à la fin de l’époque romaine. Paris. Jaccottet, A.-Fr. (2003), Choisir Dionysos: Les associations dionysiaques ou la face cachée du dionysisme. 2 vols. Zürich. Pilhofer, P. (2000), Philippi, Band II: Katalog der Inschriften von Philippi. Tübingen: 103, no. 340/L589. Pilhofer, P. (2009), Philippi, Band II. Katalog der Inschriften von Philippi. 2., überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Tübingen: 404-5, no. 338/L333.
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Private association |
Note |
The terminology employed points to a private association.