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Last Updated on 14 Jun 2019

Author: Stella Skaltsa

CAPInv. 916: Pakoritai


i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Mysia
iii. Site Pergamon


i. Full name (original language) Πακορῖται (I.Pergamon 297, l. 5)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Pakoritai


i. Date(s) i AD


ii. Name elements
Other:Pakoritai - Fränkel (1896: 224) takes it to refer to Pakoria on the Euphrates, a town mentioned by Ptolemaios, Geography 5.18.7.
Pakoria may also have been a toponym in the vicinity of Pergamon or it may have designated a residential quarter in the city of Pergamon (Schwarzer 2002: 243). It is not uncommon to find groups in Mysia whose name terminates in -itai and whose name probably derives from toponyms or neighbourhoods (e.g. Paspareitai, Kynosoureitai, Hippikeitai).
The name Pakoritai can also be connected to a personal name, i.e. Pakoros (Merkelbach 1988: 24 n. 34). Pakoros, for example, was a Parthian king.
The name Pakoritai is otherwise unattested.


i. Source(s) I.Pergamon 297 (probably Imperial)
Note IGRR IV, 281

Jaccottet 2003, II, no. 102.
Online Resources I.Pergamon 297
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedicatory inscription in Greek by Ioulios Karpophoros, called Gettix.
The dedication is composed in hexameter.
i.c. Physical format(s) Slab of trachyte.
H. 35 x W. 42 cm.
ii. Source(s) provenance Found reused in a private property in Seraï Machala in Pergamon, in the south foot of the citadel.


ii. References to buildings/objects αὐτοῖσι στύλοις πρόπυλον, autoisi stylois propylon (ll. 3-4; propylon with its columns)


v. Relations Karpophoros is attested in two other inscriptions from Pergamon (MDAI(A) 1899: 184 no. 40; MDAI(A) 1910: 461 no. 43).


iii. Worship The propylon was dedicated to Bromios.
Deities worshipped Bromios (cult epithet of Dionysos)


i. Comments The Pakoritai worshipped Bromios, a cult epithet of Dionysos, as inferred by the text. Bromios was also worshipped in Smyrna (I.Smyrna 728).
A propylon with columns (perhaps one should envisage a gateway with a colonnaded porch) was dedicated to Bromios. The propylon would have allowed access to an enclosed area or a building, presumably a meeting place of the Pakoritai where Dionysos would have been worshipped.

Ohlemutz (1968: 114) attributed the inscription to Bau H in light of AM 1910: 461 no. 43 (dedication by Karpophoros) and put forward that the building was connected to a Dionysiac thiasos. However, Bau H has been tentatively identified with the Prytaneion by Schwarzer (2004).
ii. Poland concordance Poland B *401
iii. Bibliography Merkelbach, R. (1988), Die Hirten des Dionysos. Die Dionysos-Mysterien der römischen Kaiserzeit und der bukolischen Roman des Longus. Stuttgart.
Ohlemutz, E. (1968), Die Kulte und Heiligtümer der Götter in Pergamon. Darmstadt.
Schwarzer, H. (2002), 'Vereinslokale im hellenistischen und römischen Pergamon', in U. Egelhaaf-Gaiser & A. Schäfer (eds.), Religiöse Vereine in der römischen Antike: Untersuchungen zu Organisation, Ritual und Raumordnung: 221-60.
Schwarzer, H. (2004), 'Der sog. Bau H - Zum mutmaßlichen Prytaneion von Pergamon', IstMitt 54: 173-83.


i. Private association Possible
Note The text of the inscription provides hints to the existence of a building, where (Dionysos) Bromios was worshipped by the Pakoritai. The collective name (Pakoritai), albeit ambiguous in meaning, designates a group (it is unclear whether is was formally or loosely organized), whose identity and role is otherwise unknown.