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Last Updated on 17 Mar 2017

Author: Loredana Cappelletti

CAPInv. 1094: colligeus (l. collegium) Decatressium


i. Geographical area Southern Italy with Sicily
ii. Region Campania
iii. Site Pozzuoli (anc. Puteoli)


i. Full name (original language) colleges (l. collegium) Decatressium (CIL X 1696, l. 9)
ii. Full name (transliterated) colligeus (l. collegium) Decatressium


i. Date(s) 337 - 342 AD


i. Name in other forms Decatrenses (CIL X 1697, l. 6)
ii. Name elements
Topographical:Decatria, the name of a regio of Puteoli (Camodeca 1977, 66-70).
iii. Descriptive terms collegium
Note collegium (CIL X 1696, l. 9)


i. Source(s) CIL X 1696 (AD 337-342)
CIL X 1697 (AD 337-342)
Note ILS 1224c; LSA-43 (= CIL X 1696)
ILS 1226; EDR108157 (= CIL X 1697)
Online Resources TM 536035 (CIL X 1696)

TM 255102 and EDR108157 (CIL X 1697)
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script CIL X 1696 is a dedication of a toga statue made by the colligeus decatressium to its patron of senatorial rank, Q. Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus Mavortius; ll. 1-8 mention his cursus honorum. CIL X 1697 is a dedication of a toga statue made by the decatrenses, as clientes, to their patron, Q. Flavius Maesius Cornelius Egnatius Severus Lollianus Mavortius Iunior, who was the fifteen year old son of the honorand in CIL X 1696; see Camodeca 1980-1981: 100-2. Both inscriptions are in Latin.
i.c. Physical format(s) CIL X 1696 and CIL X 1697 are rectangular white marble bases for two toga statues, for further details, see Gehn 2012, 514-8.

For the statue see: LSA-43
ii. Source(s) provenance CIL X 1696 and CIL X 1697 were found with the statues in 1704 in Pozzuoli, viale Capomazza, during the construction of the church of S. Giuseppe, in the area of the ancient regio decatriae, not far from the Puteolan theatre.


i. Archaeological remains Near the church of S. Giuseppe a building was discovered which was built at the end of the third century AD, with large rooms, probably to be identified with the schola of the collegium, see Camodeca 1980-1981: 94-5; Bollmann 1998: 373-4 no. A 55.


iii. Members Referred to as decatrenses (CIL X 1697, l. 6) and as clientes of the young patron Q. Flavius Maesius Cornelius Egnatius Severus Lollianus (CIL X 1697, ll. 1-4)
v. Other staff Patronus (CIL X 1696 and CIL X 1697)
Q. Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus was patronus of senatorial rank of the collegium decatressium (CIL X 1696). His son Q. Flavius Maesius Cornelius Egnatius Severus Lollianus was also patronus of the decatrenses.
viii. Obligations The erection of the two bases/statues, with which the decatrenses honoured their patrons (CIL X 1696 and CIL X 1697) may imply that their association either collected money ad hoc or each member had to pay regularly some sum, which went into the (unattested) treasury.


i. Treasury/Funds The erection of the two bases/statues, with which the two patroni were honoured by the decatrenses may imply that their association had its own funds/treasury.


iv. Honours/Other activities The decatrenses awarded two base statues to their patroni of senatorial rank. The honour awarded to Q. Flavius Maesius Egnatius Lollianus Mavortius is justified with reference to the honorand's being a patronus dignissimus (CIL X 1696, ll. 9-10). The honour awarded to Q. Flavius Maesius Cornelius Egnatius Severus Lollianus Mavortius Iunior is justified with reference to the honorand's being a patronus praestantissimus (CIL X 1697, ll. 7-8).


ii. Interaction abroad The decatrenses awarded bases/statues to members of a prominent Roman senatorial family (CIL X 1696 and CIL X 1697).


i. Comments The origin and meaning of the words decatria and decatrenses are unknown. It has been suggested a connection to the worship of a foreign deity, see Amalfitano et al. 1990: 117; For further details, see Bollmann 1998: 374.
iii. Bibliography Amalfitano, P. et al. (eds.) (1990), I Campi Flegrei. Un itinerario archeologico. Venezia.
Bollmann, B. (1998), Römische Vereinshäuser: Untersuchungen zu den Scholae der römischen Berufs-, Kult- und Augustalen-Kollegien in Italien. Mainz.
Camodeca, G. (1977), ‘L’ordinamento in regiones e i vici di Puteoli’, Puteoli 1: 62-98.
Camodeca, G. (1980-1981), ‘Ricerche su Puteoli tardoromana (fine III – IV secolo)’, Puteoli 4-5: 59-128.
D'Arms, J.H. (1972), ‘A new inscribed base from 4th century Puteoli’, PP 27: 255-70.
Gehn, U. (2012), Ehrenstatuen in der Spätantike. Chlamydati und Togati. Wiesbaden.
Waltzing, J.P. (1895-1900), Étude historique sur les corporations professionelles chez les Romains depuis les origines jusqu'à la chute de l'Empire d'Occident, I-IV. Louvain.


i. Private association Probable
Note The character of the collegium cannot be defined with precision, because the meaning of the name is unknown, see Waltzing 1900: vol. IV, 227 no. 7. It can be excluded, that it was a professional association: Camodeca 1980-1981: 125-6. According to D'Arms 1972: 265-266 the decatrenses most probably formed a religious association.