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PDFLast Updated on 13 Mar 2017
i. |
Geographical area |
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Region |
Euxine Coast
iii. |
Site |
i. |
Full name (original language) |
σύνοδος Ἡρακλεωτῶν τῶν περὶ Σάτυρον Σατύρου (I.Kallatis 72, ll. 3-5)
ii. |
Full name (transliterated) |
synodos Herakleoton ton peri Satyron Satyrou
ii. |
Name elements |
Ethnic: | Herakleotai: A society composed by residents from Heraclea (Pontica) at Callatis. | Personal: | hoi peri Satyron Satyrou |
iii. |
Descriptive terms |
σύνοδος, synodos
Note |
synodos: I.Kallatis 72, l. 3
i. |
Source(s) |
I.Kallatis 72 (ii AD).
Online Resources |
I.Kallatis 72 and AGRW ID 14483
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Dedication in Greek by the synodos Herakleoton to Ἡρακλῆς Φαρανγείτης, Herakles Pharangeites (l. 2).
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
Marble stele.
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
i. |
Founder(s) |
On the basis of the group's name (ll. 3-5), the founder may possibly be Satyros son of Satyros. On the other hand, he might be the leader.
ii. |
Leadership |
On the basis of the group's name (ll. 3-5), the leader may possibly be Satyros son of Satyros. On the other hand, he might be the founder.
iv. |
Officials |
One γραμματεύς, grammateus (cf. l. 5: γραμ(μ)ατεύοντος, gram(m)ateuontos).
i. |
Number |
39 members including the leader (= founder?) and the grammateus.
ii. |
Gender |
Note |
The names of members are male names.
iii. |
Age |
Children Adults
Note |
Possibly also children, or at least youth, because several members are father and son.
v. |
Relations |
Several members in the list are father and son, on the basis of onomastics.
iii. |
Worship |
The group set up the dedication to Herakles Φαρανγείτης, Pharangeites (a toponymic epiclesis referring to a pharanx located in a mythical landscape near Heraclea Pontica, through it Herakles descended to the hell; cf. Ap. Rhod. 2.353-356, 734-745 and scholia). Worship of the god by the group is likely.
Deities worshipped |
Herakles Pharangeites
iii. |
Bibliography |
Chirica, E. (1998), ‘Le culte d'Héraclès Pharangeitès à Héraclée du Pont’, REG 111: 722-3. Corsten, Th. (2006), ‘Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen II’, EA 39: 121-32. Corsten, Th. (2007), ‘Prosopographische und onomastische Notizen III’, Gephyra 4: 133-4.
i. |
Private association |
Note |
The terminology points to a private association.