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Last Updated on 10 Jul 2019

Author: Georgios Zachos

CAPInv. 1371: hoi peri ton Dionyton technitai hoi en Athenais


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Phokis
iii. Site Delphi


i. Full name (original language) οἱ περὶ τὸν Διόνυτον τεχνῖται οἱ ἐν Ἀθήναις (F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 1, 3; F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 1; CID IV 117, l. 20)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi peri ton Dionyton technitai hoi en Athenais


i. Date(s) 279 - 97 BC


i. Name in other forms τὸ κοινὸν τῶν τεχνιτῶν τῶν ἐν Ἀθήναις, to koinon ton techniton ton en Athenais (CID IV 117, l. 35; CID IV 120, ll. 33-35)
σύνοδος τῶν ἐν Ἀθήναις τεχνιτᾶν, to koinon t[on peri] ton Dionyson technitan (F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 38; F.Delphes III.2 47, ll. 1, 32-33; F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 60-61; CID IV 117, l. 11)
οἱ περὶ τὸν Διόνυτον τεχνῖται οἱ ἐν Ἀθήναις, hoi peri ton Dionyton technitai hoi en Athenais (F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 1, 3; F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 1; CID IV 117, l. 20)
οἱ ἐν Ἀθήναις τεχνίται, hoi en Athenais technitai (F.Delphes III.2 48, l. 52; CID IV 117, ll. 31, 41)
σύνοδος τῶν ἐν Ἀθήναις ἐποποιῶν, synodos ton en Athenais epopoion (F.Delphes III.2 50, ll. 7, 11)
ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon
σύνοδος, synodos
Note koinon: CID IV 117, l. 35; 120, ll. 33-35; F.Delphes III.2 47, l. 39; 48, l. 40
synodos: F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 38; F.Delphes III.2 47, ll. 1, 32-33; F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 60-61; 50, ll. 7, 11; CID IV 117, l. 11


i. Source(s) CID IV 12 (279-277 BC)
CID IV 114 (130 or 134 BC)
CID IV 116 (130 or 134 BC)
F.Delphes III.2 47 (128/7 BC)
CID IV 117 (117 BC)
CID IV 120 (117-112 BC)
F.Delphes III.2 70 (112 BC)
F.Delphes III.2 48 (98/7 BC)
F.Delphes III.2 49 (106/5 BC)
F.Delphes III.2 50 (106 or 97 BC)
Note Other editions:
CID IV 12:
Syll.3 399
F.Delphes III.2 68
Le Guen I no. 2
Aneziri no. A5Aa
Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 137-9, no. 68
CID IV 114:
Le Guen I no. 6
cf. Aneziri no. A5Ac
Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 350-3, no. 194
CID IV 116:
Aneziri no. A5c
F.Delphes III.2 47:
Le Guen I no. 10
Aneziri no. A6
CID IV 117:
Syll.3 704E
F.Delphes III.3 69
Le Guen I no. 11
Aneziri no. C1Ba
Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 353-8, no. 195
CID IV 120:
Le Guen I no. 12E
Aneziri no. C1Ac
F.Delphes III.2 70:
Syll.3 705
Le Guen I no. 12
Aneziri no. C2
Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 358-62, no. 196
F.Delphes III.2 48:
Le Guen I no. 14
Aneziri no. A11
Jacquemin, Mulliez and Rougemont 2012: 373-8, no. 202
F.Delphes III.2 49:
Le Guen no. 13
Aneziri no. A10
F.Delphes III.2 50:
Syll.3 699
Aneziri no. A7
Online Resources CID IV 12
CID IV 114
CID IV 116
F.Delphes III.2 47
CID IV 117
CID IV 120
F.Delphes III.2 70
F.Delphes III.2 48
F.Delphes III.2 49
F.Delphes III.2 50
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script CID IV 12; CID IV 114; CID IV 116: Decrees of the Amphictyony concerning the privileges of the association.
F.Delphes III.2 47: Honorary decree of Delphi
CID IV 117: Decree of Delphi reassuring the privileges of the association and recognizing its right on wearing the ancestral crown.
CID IV 120: Letter of the Amphictyony about the dispute between the technitai of Isthmos and of Athens.
F.Delphes III.2 70: Decision of the Senate about the aforementioned dispute.
F.Delphes III.2 48; F.Delphes III.2 49; F.Delphes III.2 50: Honorary decrees of Delphi concerning the privileges of the association in Delphi.
i.c. Physical format(s) Blocks of the Athenian treasure
ii. Source(s) provenance In the treasure of the Athenians, ἀναγράψαι τόδε τὸ ψάφισμα ἐν τῶι ἱερῶι τοῦ Ἀπόλλωνος ἐπὶ τοῦ Ἀθηναίων θησαυροῦ, (anagrapsai tode to psaphisma en toi hieroi tou Apollonos epi tou Athenaion thesaurou, F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 57-58; F.Delphes III.2 50, l. 14)


i. Archaeological remains The Athenian treasure in Delphi
ii. References to buildings/objects Athenian treasure
Athenian Acropolis


iii. Members Members are called technitai.
iv. Officials Steward, ἐπιμελητὴς, epimeletes, F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 3, 14, 47; F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 1
Priest of Dionysos, τόν τε ἱερέα τοῦ Διονύσου; τὸν ἱερέα τῶν τεχνιτῶν, ton te hierea tou Dionysou; ton hierea ton techniton, CID IV 117, ll. 23, 25, 29
v. Other staff Ambassadors, πρέσβεις, presbeis, CID IV 117, ll. 23, 38-39
Chief theoros, ἀρχιθέωρος, architheoros, F.Delphes III.2 47, l. 6; F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 14, 47; θεωροί, theoroi, F.Delphes III.2 47, l. 7; F.Delphes III.2 48, ll. 15-16, 49; F.Delphes III.2 49, l. 40


ii. Gender Men
iii. Age Adults


ii. Meetings and events Envoys sent to Delphi in Pythia.
Deities worshipped Διόνυσος, Dionysos
Ἀπόλλων, Apollon
iv. Honours/Other activities The members of the association enjoyed in Delphi protection and exemption from seizure, tax,
conscription ([μ]ηδὲ ῥυσιάζειν, [m]ede rhysiazein, ἀσυλία, asyleia, ἀσφάλεια, asphaleia, ἀστρατεία,
astrateia), as well as the rights of proxeny, priority in the consultation of the oracle and leading a
procession (προξενία, proxenia, προμαντεία, promanteia, προπομπεία, propompeia), F.Delphes III.2 48,
ll. 6, 52-54; F.Delphes III.2 49, ll. 41-42; F.Delphes III.2 50, ll. 11-12; CID IV 12; CID IV 114, ll.
41-60; CID IV 116. Also, the association petitioned and the Amphictiony granted to their priests to wear
a crown (στεφανηφορεῖν, stephanephorein) and adorn the statues of the gods with golden ornaments
(χρυσοφορεῖν τοῖς θεοῖς, chrysophorein tois theois), CID IV 117, ll. 30-32; CID IV 120, l. 26.


ii. Interaction abroad The association maintained friendly relations with Delphi and the sanctuary of Apollo and enjoyed privileges.
An arrangement between the association and the Athenian technitai was made in 138? 134? 128? BC. The deal was cancelled a few years later and started a dispute that was finally resolved by the Roman Senate in 112 BC in favour of the Athenian guild (cf. CAPinv. 955)


i. Comments Cf. CAPInv. 872 and CAPInv. 955.
ii. Poland concordance Poland Δ 1α
Poland Δ 1Βα
Poland Δ 1Β*β
Poland Δ *1C
Poland Δ *1D
Poland Δ *1E
Poland Δ 1F2
iii. Bibliography Aneziri, S. (2003), Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft: Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart: 348-9, 306-16.
Aneziri, S. (2009), ‘World travellers: the associations of Artists of Dionysos’, in R. Hunter and I. Rutherford (eds.), Wandering Poets in Ancient Greek Culture, Cambridge: 217-236.
Canali de Rossi, F. (1997), Le ambasciere dal mondo greco a Roma in eta republicana. Roma: 137-40.
Ceccarelli, P. (2004), ‘'Autour de Dionysos' : remarques sur la dénomination des artistes dionysiaques’, in Ch. Hugoniot, F. Hurlet and S. Milanezi (eds.), Le statut de l'acteur dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine, Tours: 109-42.
Csapo, E., and Slater, W. (1994), The Context of Ancient Drama. Michigan.
Daux, G. (1936), Delphes au II et au Ie siècle avant notre ère. Paris: 360-3.
Le Guen, B. (2001), Les associations de technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. I. Corpus documentaire. Paris: 57-61, 102-5.
Homolle, Th. (1899), Inscriptions de Delphes : Sénatus-consulte l'an 112 av. J.-C., BCH 23: 5-55.
Jacquemin, A., Mulliez, D., and Rougemont G. (2012), Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées. Athens: 137-9, 358-63, nos 68, 196, 197.
Kallet-Marx, R. (1995), Hegemony to Empire. Berkeley, LosAngeles, Oxford: 150-2, 163, 166.
Lefèvre, F. (1998), L'Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: histoire et institutions. Athens.
Nachtergael, G. (1977), Les Galates en Grèce et les Sôtéria de Delphes. Brussels.
Sánchez, P. (2001), L'Amphictionie des Pyles et de Delphes. Recherches sur son role historique des
origines au IIe siecle de notre ere
. Stuttgart: 282-6, 402-4.


i. Private association Certain
Note The association displays all the hallmarks of a private association: distinct name, membership, organization, property and durability.
Cf. CAPInv. 872
ii. Historical authenticity Cf. CAPInv. 872