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PDFLast Updated on 03 Jul 2019
i. |
Geographical area |
Aegean Islands
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Region |
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Site |
i. |
Full name (original language) |
οἱ θιασώται (Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: no. 22, l. 2)
ii. |
Full name (transliterated) |
hoi thiasotai
i. |
Source(s) |
Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: no. 22 (iii-ii BC: Hodot 1990: 279, MYT 109)
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Dedication to the thiasotai. Greek.
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
Rectangular or square inscribed base with socket on top (photo of front face in Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: Pl. 8a).
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
Found when digging the foundations of the house of Vostani, at the start (on the right hand side) of the road Agias Irinis, in the southern part of the city.
ii. |
References to buildings/objects |
ἕρμαιον, hermaion (Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: no. 22, l. 2) -- The rectangular cutting on top of the inscribed base suggests that a herm would have been placed on top (making the alternative interpretation of a dedication of a Hermaion or sanctuary of Hermes unlikely).
iii. |
Members |
θιασώται, thiasotai ? (Charitonidis, Ἐπιγραφαί: no. 22, l. 2) -- The term thiasotai may indicate members of a private association but could also refer to a wider group of worshippers.
ii. |
Gender |
Note |
The dedicants, if themselves part of the thiasotai, are male. See below: 'Comments'.
i. |
Comments |
Note the alternative reading in Ἐπιγραφαί: no. 22, l. 1 (names of dedicants) proposed by Hodot 1976: 68 (cf. SEG 26.929).
Charitonidis (Ἐπιγραφαί: p. 23, no. 22) suggests there may be a relation between the thiasotai and the Hermaistai attested in IG XII.2 22 (CAPInv. 144). Note, however, that the dedication of a hermaion to the thiasotai need not mean that they worshipped Hermes.
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Bibliography |
Charitonidis, S. (1968), ‘Αι Επιγραφαί της Λέσβου,’ Συμπλήρωμα, Athens. Hodot, R. (1976), ‘Notes critiques sur le corpus epigraphique de Lesbos’, Etudes d'Archeologie Classique 5: 17-81. Hodot, R. (1990), Le dialecte eolien d'Asie: la langue des inscriptions (VIIe s. a.C. - IVe s. p.C.). Paris.
i. |
Private association |
Note |
It is possible that the thiasotai constituted a private association (thiasotai being members of a thiasos), but alternatively the term thiasotai may indicate a wider group of worshippers.