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Last Updated on 09 Aug 2019

Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 1815: Isiastan eranistan koinon


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site City of Rhodes


i. Full name (original language) Ἰσιαστᾶν ἐρανιστᾶν κοινὀν (IG XII.1 157, ll. 3-4)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Isiastan eranistan koinon


i. Date(s) i BC


i. Name in other forms Ἰσιασταί, Isiastai (IG XII. 165, see G. Pugliese Carratelli, 'Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica', ASAA n.s. 1-2 (1939-40) 182).
ii. Name elements
Theophoric:From the (originally Egyptian) goddess Isis. Her hieron in the city of Rhodes is attested by Appian, Mithr. 27 (in the context of 88 BC). See D. Morelli, I culti in Rodi. SCO 8 (Pisa, 1959) 58, 155-56.
Other:eranistai, which is also a generic term (see below), need not be a standard element in the name of the association.
iii. Descriptive terms eranistai, koinon
Note eranistai (and eranos) is a generic description commonly met with Rhodian associations: G. Pugliese Carratelli, 'Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica', ASAA n.s. 1-2 (1939-40) 147-200.


i. Source(s) IG XII.1 157, ll. 3-4.
IG XII.1 165 (undated)
Note IG XII.1 165 (Ἰσιαστᾶν, Isiastan, without the elements eranistan and koinon) almost certainly concerns the same association, cf. G. Pugliese Carratelli, op.cit. 182.
Online Resources IG XII 1. 157
IG XII 1.165
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedicatory-honorary. Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Round altar of white marble.
ii. Source(s) provenance Discovered in a hypogeum outside the city of Rhodes. See also P.M. Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments (Oxford, 1977), p 3.


iii. Members Philokrates from Ilion, the person to whom this altar belonged, was almost certainly a member of the association. Likewise Dexagoras, who proposed the honorary degree for Philokrates, was a member of the association.


iv. Status Philokrates of Ilion, the person to whom this altar belonged, was a foreigner in possession of epidamia in Rhodes. In the same inscription, Philokrates is honoured by three other associations (see below). Very probably, he was the founder of one of these, the Matioi ktoinetai eranistai Philokrateioi ( Ματίοι κτοινέται ἐρανισταὶ Φιλοκράτειοι). See V. Gabrielsen, The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes, (Aarhus, 1997) 152-53.
Attempts to establish the identity of Philokrates (see Hiller von Gaertringen's note to IG XII.1 157) have been challenged: V. Gabrielsen, 'The Status of Rhodioi in Hellenistic Rhodes', C&M 43 (1992) 48 n.9.

The proposer of the honorary decree for Philokrates is called Dexagoras, who may well be a Rhodian citizen: for the name, see LGPN I, s.v.


iv. Honours/Other activities The inscription makes reference to the decree, according to which Philokrates was honoured by the Isiastan eranistan koinon.
The association had honoured Philokrates from Ilion, who was in possession of epidamia in Rhodes, with a gold wreath. The association is recorded with other private bodies that had honoured Philokrates: the Hermaistai Thesmophoriastai (ὑπὸ Ἑρμαϊστᾶν Θεσμοφοριαστᾶν), the synthytai Rhodiastai epidamiastai (ὑπὸ συνθυτᾶν Ῥοδιαστᾶν ἐπιδαμιαστᾶν) and the Matioi ktoinetai eranistai Philokrateioi (ὑπὸ Ματίων κτοινετᾶν ἐρανιστᾶν Φιλοκρατείων). He was also honoured by the citizens of Kamiros (ὑπὸ Καμιρέων).


i. Local interaction The association, which was probably based in the city of Rhodos, is seen to honour an individual together with the citizens of Kamiros.
ii. Interaction abroad Any connection between the association and the city of Ilion, the place of origin of Philokrates, must be indirect and conjectural.


ii. Poland concordance B 268
iii. Bibliography V. Gabrielsen, 'The Status of Rhodioi in Hellenistic Rhodes', C&M 43 (1992) 43-69.
V. Gabrielsen, The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes (Aarhus, 1997).
P. Fraser, Rhodian Funerary Monuments (Oxford, 1977).
D. Morelli, I culti in Rodi. SCO 8 (Pisa, 1959).
G. Pugliese Carratelli, 'Per la storia delle associazioni in Rodi antica', ASAA n.s. 1-2 (1939-40) 147-200.


i. Private association Certain
Note In addition to the theophoric element in the name of this association, the descriptive term eranistai confirms that it was a private body.