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Last Updated on 03 Jun 2019

Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 1821: [to k]oinon to Lapethiastan


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site City of Rhodes and Lindos


i. Full name (original language) [τὸ κ]οινὸν τὸ Λαπηθιαστᾶν, IG XII. 1 867, l. 1.
ii. Full name (transliterated) [to k]oinon to Lapethiastan


i. Date(s) ii BC


i. Name in other forms Λαπηθιασταί, Lapethiastai, ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36, l. 2.
ii. Name elements
Cultic:van Gelder's hypothesis that Lapethiastai refers to the worship of the gods of the Cypriot city of Lapethos (van Gelder 1900, 367) can not be confirmed. For Poland's similar, but more plausible, view: see 'Topographical' below.
Ethnic:To the extent that it links the association to a city outside Rhodes, Lapethiastai has also the character of an ethnic designation. The of IG XII.1 867 took this association to consist of citizens of Lapethos: E. Loewy, 'Unediertes aus Rhodes', Archäologisch-Epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich 7 (1883) 33. It should be noted, however, that at least one of the attested members of this association, the adoptive son of Timostratos Brasios (ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36), was a Rhodian citizen, with no other documented connection to Lapethos.
Topographical:From the city of Lapethos on Cyprus. As Poland remarked (1909, 63, 225), with the ending -istai the locality concerned becomes personified and obtains a godlike nature. See also 'Cultic' above.
iii. Descriptive terms [k]oinon
Note This generic term is attested as part of the name in only one of the two inscriptions related to this association.


i. Source(s) IG XII. 1 867
ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36
Note New readings of ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36 are based on autopsy by Vincent Gabrielsen.
The date proposed here, second century BC, is primarily based on the letter forms of the inscription just mentioned: see also LGPN I, s.v. Timostratos no. 56.
Online Resources IG XII. 1 867
ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script IG XII. 1 867: Dedicatory-honorary
ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36: Dedicatory-honorary
In Greek
i.c. Physical format(s) IG XII. 1 867: rectangular base, whose top surface is dressed so as to serve as the base of a round altar.
ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36: rectangular base, whose top surface has the form of a round base (to receive a round altar?).
ii. Source(s) provenance IG XII.1 867: Discovered in the vicinity of the harbour of Lindos (mod. Bay Palaestra).
ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36: Discovered in the Mosque Suleiman (within the old city of Rhodes).


iii. Members In IG XII.1 867, the koinon of the Lapethiastai honours one Apollodoros; from the honours bestowed (see below) it can be inferred that he was a member. Nikaia, Apollodoros' wife (and daughter of Letodoros), was probably also a member since she, too, is honoured with a wreath.

In ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36, the Lapethiastai honour the (unknown) adoptive son of Timostratos Brasios, who therefore must also have been a member.
viii. Obligations ateleia panton ('exemption from all duties') in IG XII.1 867, indirectly documents the obligation of members to pay tele, i.e. contributions in kind or in money or in both.
ix. Privileges In IG XII.1 867, the honorand is awarded the privilege of ateleia panton ('exemption from all duties'). Additionally, he is honoured with the privilege of prohedria ('front seating at public events', i.e. those held by the association)


ii. Gender Men
Note Apollodoros, who is honoured in IG XII.1 867, and his wife Nikaia daughter of Letodoros, were both members.
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status The adoptive son of Timostratos Brasios (honoured in ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36), was certainly a Rhodian citizen.

Apollodoros and his wife Nikaia daughter of Letodoros (IG XII.1 867) may have been citizens or foreigners. Neither of them appears in LGPN I.
v. Relations In IG XII.1 867 husband (Apollodoros) and wife (Nikaia) appear to have been members of the Lapethiastai.


ii. Meetings and events The privilege of prohedria (see above) alludes to events organised and held by the association.
iv. Honours/Other activities In ClRhod 2 (1932) 203, no. 36, the (unknown) adoptive son of Timostratos Brasios is honoured by the Lapethiastai with the award of a wreath (kind unknown). In the same inscription, the Lapethiastai are mentioned together with other associations, each of which bestowed honours on the same person: the Hagesi[t]imeioi kai Kallikrate[ioi] (Ἁγησι[τ]ίμειοι κα̣ὶ Καλλικράτε[ιοι]), the Diagonia Thymoterpidan (διαγονία Θυμοτερπιδᾶν) and the Hermaistai (Ἑρμαισταί).
In IG XII.1 867, the koinon to Lapethiastan honours Apollodoros with ateleia panton ('exemption from all duties'), prohedria ('front seating at public events', i.e. those held by the association), two olive wreaths (thallinois stephanois) and two golden wreaths (chryseois stephanois). The awards are justified with reference to Apollodoros' virtuous conduct as well as the goodwill he had continuously shown towards the members of the association (εἰς αὐτούς, eis autous). Apollodoros' wife, Nikaia daughter of Letodoros, is also honoured with an olive wreath.


i. Local interaction The circumstance that the koinon of the Lapethiastai is attested in the city of Rhodes and in Lindos may be indicative of its interaction with both of these places.
ii. Interaction abroad The name of this association links it to the city of Lapethos on Cyprus.


ii. Poland concordance B 284 (IG XII.1 867)
iii. Bibliography H. van Gelder, Geschichte der alten Rhodier (The Hague, 1900)


i. Private association Certain
Note The reference of the name to a foreign city renders is certain that this is a private association.,