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Last Updated on 21 Feb 2017

Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 228: koinon ton orgeonon


i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica
iii. Site Athens, Peiraieus


i. Full name (original language) κοινὸν τῶν ὀργεώνων (MDAI(A) 66: 228.4, l. 5; IG ΙΙ2 1337, l. 11)
ii. Full name (transliterated) koinon ton orgeonon


i. Date(s) 138 - 94 BC


ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon
Note koinon: MDAI(A) 66: 228.4, l. 5; IG ΙΙ2 1337, l. 11


i. Source(s) MDAI(A) 66 228 no. 4 (138/7 BC)
IG II2 1337 (95/4 BC)
Note IG ΙΙ2 1337 Ed. pr. Rangabes, K. (1855), Antiquites Helleniques. Athenes, II, 429 no. 809 Other publications: Lueders no. 20; Foucart no. 10: Michel no. 1561; GRA I 44.

MDAI(A) 66 (1941) 228 no. 4 Other publications: GRA I 39.

Cf. SEG 16: 111. BE 1942, no. 329; BE 1948, no. 50; BE 1950, no. 71.
Online Resources MDAI (A) 66 (1941) 228 no. 4. and AGRW ID 3940
IG II2 1337 and AGRW ID 3949
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script MDAI(A): Greek honorary decree for the steward Serapion, son of Poseidonios of Heraclea.
IG II2 1337: Greek honorary decree for the priestess Nikasis, daughter of Philiskos of Corinth.
i.c. Physical format(s) IG II2 1337: Marble pedimental stele decorated with a rosetta in the centre, measuring 0,47x0,52m.
MDAI(A): Three fragments of a pedimental stele. In the pediment a partly preserved relief depicting probably Aphrodite commending the honoured person and a female person. In the middle an altar and behind it a pillar. More details in Lawton 1995: no. 61.
ii. Source(s) provenance MDAI(A): Found in Syngrou str., near the church of Hag. Sostes, now in the Epigraphical Museum, EM 3876.
IG II2 1337: Found in Piraeus built in a private house, now in the National Museum (IG).


ii. References to buildings/objects MDAI(A): Reference to pedestals (βάθρα, bathra) in the sanctuary and a bath for men (λουτρών ὁ ἀνδρεῖος, loutron ho andreios) being replastered (ll. 8-9).


iv. Officials Priestess (ἱέρεια, hiereia) (IG II2 1337, ll. 4, 12).
Secretary (γραμματεύς, grammateus) (MDAI(A) ll. 16-7).
Steward (ἐπιμελητής, epimeletes) (MDAI(A) ll. 3, 17).
vi. Laws and rules The steward and the secretary are encumbered with the duty to proclaim the honorary crowns (MDAI(A) ll. 16-7).
vii. Judicial system If the steward and the secretary fail to proclaim the crown they shall pay a fine of 50 dr. (MDAI(A) ll. 18-9).


ii. Realty A sanctuary (ἱερόν, hieron) is mentioned in MDAI(A) ll. 8, 18, 20 as well as a men's bath (λουτρών ὁ ἀνδρεῖος, loutron ho andreios), ll. 9.
iii. Income One of the sources of income for the association were the fine imposed in case of non-observance of their duties by officials, MDAI(A) ll. 18-19.


ii. Gender Men
Note Σεραπίων Ποσειδωνίου Ἡρακλεώτης, Athenian onomasticon s.v. (49)
Νικασίς Φιλίσκου Κορινθία, Athenian Onomasticon s.v. (1).
Σάτυρος Μενίσκου Αἰξωνεύς, Athenian Onomasticon s.v. (27).
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status Foreigners: 2 (MDAI(A) 66 228.4, 2: Heraclaea and IG II2 1337, 5: Corinth).
Citizen: 1 (IG II2 1337, l. 3).


i. Assemblies The association held regular monthly assemblies on Thargelion (MDAI(A) 66 228.4, l. 1), and on Skirophorion (IG II2 1337, 1) called main assemblies (ἀγορᾶι κυρίαι, agorai kyriai)
iii. Worship The association performed sacrifices (θυσίαι, thysiai) and (σπονδαί, spondai) (MDAI(A) 66 228.4, ll. 4 and 17; IG II2 1337, l. 5)
Deities worshipped The worshipped deity is called Syria Theos, IG II2 1337, l. 4 and Aphrodite Syria in l. 6. In MDAI(A) 66 228.4, l. 19 she is referred to as simply Aphrodite.
iv. Honours/Other activities The association has praised (ἐπαινέσαι, epainesai) Serapion and awarded him an olive leaves crown (θαλλοῦ στέφανος, thallou stephanos), a ribbon (λημνίσκος, lemniskos) and the proclamation (ἀναγόρευσις, anagoreusis) of the crown after the libations,, MDAI(A) 66 228.4, ll. 13-7.
In IG II2 1337, ll. 11-2 only the reference to praise is preserved.


i. Local interaction In the inscription MDAI(A) 66 228.4, ll. 5-7 it is mentioned that Serapion has performed and perhaps financed sacrifices on behalf of the association, their children and women and of the Athenian demos.


i. Comments The decree IG II2 1337 was passed in the archonship of Herakleitos.
The decree MDAI(A) 66 228.4 was approved in the archonship of Timarchos.
ii. Poland concordance Poland A2k = IG II2 1337
iii. Bibliography Arnaoutoglou, I. (2003), Thusias heneka kai sunousias. Private religious associations in Hellenistic Athens. Athens: 108-9, 116, 135-6, 154.
Baslez, M-F. (2001), ‘Entre traditions nationales et intégration: les associations sémitiques du monde grec’, in Ribichini, S., Rocchi, M., and P. Xella (eds.), La questione delle influenze vicino-orientali sulla religione greca. Stato degli studi e prospettive della ricerca (Atti del Colloquio Internazionale Roma, 20-22 maggio 1999), Roma: 235-47.
Ferguson, W. (1944), ‘The Attic orgeones’, HThR 37: 119-21.
Meritt, B. (1947), ‘The Attic archons Diokles Timarchos’, AJPh 68: 195-8
Tracy, S. (1978), ‘Five letter-cutters of Hellenistic Athens (230-130 BC)’, Hesperia 47: 261-6
Meyer, M. (1989), Die griechischen Urkundenreliefs. Berlin: 316 no. C3.
Lawton, C. (1995), Attic document reliefs. Art and politics in ancient Athens. Oxford: no. 61.
Pakkanen, P. (1996), Interpreting early Hellenistic religion. A study based on the mystery cult of Demeter and the cult of Isis. Helsinki.
Parker, R. (1996), Athenian religion. A history. Oxford.
Mikalson, J. (1998), Religion in Hellenistic Athens. Los Angeles: 278.
Wilhelm, A. (2006), ‘Attische Urkunden. Teil VI’ in Taeuber, H. (ed.), Kleine Schriften III. Schriften aus Adolf Wilhelm Nachlass, Wien: 273 no. 46.


i. Private association Certain
Note The association displays all the hallmarks of a private association, distinct name, membership, organization, property and durability.