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Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 322: hebdomaistai


i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica
iii. Site Athens?


i. Full name (original language) ἑβδομαϊσταί (IG II3 (4) (1) 639, l. 1)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hebdomaistai


i. Date(s) 330 - 325 BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:The name of the groups derives from a celebration of Apollo's birthday on the seventh day of the month.
Other:Number 7: The name of the groups derives from a celebration of Apollo's birthday on the seventh day of the month.


i. Source(s) IG II3 (4) (1) 639 (330 - 325 BC)
Note Ed. pr.: AJA 86 (1982): 229-33.
Other ed.: SEG 32: 244.
See also: BE 1982: no. 167
Online Resources SEG 32: 244
IG II3 (4) (1) 639 English translation
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Fragmentary Greek dedication?
i.c. Physical format(s) Fragmentary marble votive relief, 0.41x0.335m. Within the architectural frame Pythian Apollo is depicted as seating on an omphalos holding a laurel branch and pouring a libation; at the other end an altar with two smaller figures is depicted.
ii. Source(s) provenance The provenance of the inscription is unknown. It is considered most likely that it comes from the ancient deme of Ikarion in Athens (Voutiras 1982), now in Detroit Institute of Arts, Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Inv. No. 25.14.


iii. Bibliography Milanezi, S. (2007), ‘Les Icariens et le deme des Icariens (IG II2 1178): A propos de l'identite politique dans un deme attique’, in J.-Chr. Couvenhes and S. Milanezi (eds.), Individus, groupes et politique à Athènes de Solon à Mithridate (Actes du colloque international Tours 7 et 8 mars 2005), Tours: 241-72.
Parker, R. (1996), Athenian religion: A history. Oxford: 336.
Voutiras, E. (1982), ‘A dedication of the Hebdomaistai to the Pythian Apollo’, AJA 86: 229-33.


i. Private association Possible
Note Voutiras 1982 has argued that this is an annual board of religious officials of Ikarion sacrificing to Apollo on the seventh day of each month. However, the name of the group points to a particularly diffused practice in naming a private association, but still we are lacking further evidence of a structured group.