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Last Updated on 01 Mar 2017

Author: Maria-Gabriella Parissaki

CAPInv. 706: U-MAC-004


i. Geographical area Macedonia
ii. Region Edonis
iii. Site Philippi


i. Association with unknown name U-MAC-004


i. Date(s) Imp.


i. Source(s) Philippi II 166a/G945 (Imp.)
Note The text remains unpublished, despite general references to it (for which see below, section XII.i Comments) and a partial presentation (twelve lines) by Nigdelis 2006; judging by Nigdelis' comments, we can surmise six more lines at the beginning of the text and an undefined number of lines at the end of it, containing a catalogue of names in columns.
Online Resources AGRW ID 22371
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Catalogue of names in Greek
i.c. Physical format(s) Rock-cut inscription
ii. Source(s) provenance Located at the foot of the acropolis of Philippi.


iv. Officials The published part of the text is divided in two sections. A first one consists of three officials (ὑπό, hypo, + names and titles in the accusative), namely:
σπειράρχης, speirarches (ll. 1-3: ὑπὸ σπιράρχην ΚΑΙΠΑΤΑΙΠΟΝ Μουντανόν, hypo spirarchen KAIPATAIPOS Mountanos, according to Nigdelis, or ΚΑΜΙΑΤΑΙΠΟΝ Μουντανόν, KAMIATAIPON Mountanon, according to Pilhofer),
ἀρχιγάλλαρος, archigallaros (ll. 4-5: ἀρχιγάλλαρον Βαρ(ίνιον) Ἅλκιμον), archigallaron Varinius Alcimus, and,
γάλλαρος, gallaros (ll. 6-7: καὶ γάλλαρον Κορν(ήλιον) Πρόκλον, kai gallaron Kornelion Proklon).

Then follows a vacat and a second group of names, of which only the first one, a παλεομύστης, paleomystes, is preceded by the preposition ὑπό (l. 8: ὑπὸ παλεομύστην Αὐρ(ήλιον) Γάϊον, hypo paleomysten Aur(elion) Gaion).

Pilhofer (2009: 216) suggests a distinction between the three first persons serving at the head of the association and the fourth one, serving at the head of a particular sub-group.
v. Other staff Six more persons are mentioned in the published part of the text for which four γάλλαροι, gallaroi, one βουκόλος, boukolos (the last one) and one with no title (second in the list).


i. Number Ten persons mentioned by name (see sections VII.iv and VII.v), but many more in the unpublished part of the text.
ii. Gender Men
Note The attested names are male names.
iv. Status Roman citizens, with cognomina of Greek, Roman and Thracian origin.


i. Comments By reading the word Ἄττ(ις), Att(is) (l. 11), the first commentators (for which see Nigdelis 2006: 107, no. 18 with full bibliography) considered that this group was devoted to his cult; but a new autopsy and reading by Nigdelis restituted the Roman nomen Κάττ(ιος), Katt(ios), and left Dionysos as the possible sole recipient of the group's devotion.

A catalogue of names engraved in columns is reported as following the published part of the text; this should obviously be interpreted as a membership list.
iii. Bibliography Nigdelis, P.M. (2006), Επιγραφικά Θεσσαλονίκεια. Συμβολή στην πολιτική και κοινωνική ιστορία της αρχαίας Θεσσαλονίκης. Thessaloniki: 107, no. 18.
Pilhofer, P. (2009), Philippi, Band II: Katalog der Inschriften von Philippi, rev. edn. Tübingen: 215-9, no. 166a/G945.


i. Private association Certain
Note The organisation and officials of the group point to a private association.