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Last Updated on 09 Jul 2018

Author: Paschalis Paschidis

CAPInv. 800: U-MAC-014


i. Geographical area Macedonia
ii. Region Mygdonia
iii. Site Thessalonike


i. Association with unknown name U-MAC-014


i. Date(s) f. iv AD


i. Source(s) IG X.2.1 Suppl. 1516 (f. iv AD)
Note Other editions: AE 2006, 1290
Online Resources IG X.2.1 Suppl. 1516 and TM 190568
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Latin funerary inscription
i.c. Physical format(s) Plaque.
ii. Source(s) provenance Western cemetery of Thessalonike.


iii. Members Members of the guild are called collegiati.
iv. Officials The deceased bestiarius was the association's vixillarius, 'standard-bearer'.


iv. Status Maximinus, the deceased, makes clear in his epitaph that he was a cives, a free Roman citizen.


ii. Interaction abroad It is unclear whether this particular ludus was established at Sirmium, the homeland of the deceased, Thessaloniki, or elsewhere. It may have gathered members employed in wild-beast games all over the Balkans.


i. Comments Collegium is not explicitly attested, but the text's formula (collegiatus [lud]i centin<a>ri) makes collegium ludi centinari a very probable name of the association.
Whether we understand the term centenarius as meaning centurio or as an adjective denoting the years the school was in operation (see Nigdelis 2006: 243), it is clear that the term is part of the school's name, and hence of the name of the association.
Alternatively, one could assume that the descriptive term for this guild of bestiarii and, presumably, gladiators was the ludus itself, the common term used for gladiatorial schools (private, imperial, or civic).

This is the last mention of wild-beast games in Macedonia (Nigdelis 2006: 248), the last mention of an association in Macedonia (Nigdelis 2010: 19 n. 40), and the only source in Latin for a certain private association from Macedonia.
ii. Poland concordance
iii. Bibliography Nigdelis, P.M. (2010), ‘Voluntary Associations in Roman Thessalonike: in Search of Identity and Support in a Cosmpolitan Society’, in L. Nasrallah, Ch. Bakirtzis and S. Friesen (eds.), From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonike: Studies in Religion and Archaeology. Cambridge Mass., London: 13-47, esp. 19 and no 44.
Nigdelis, P.M. (2006), Επιγραφικά Θεσσαλονίκεια. Συμβολή στην πολιτική και κοινωνική ιστορία της αρχαίας Θεσσαλονίκης. Thessaloniki: 238-48 no 6.


i. Private association Probable
Note The school's international character, which seems to preclude that we are dealing with a civic school, and the absence of any elements allowing us to suppose that it was an imperial school, make it rather probable that we are dealing here with a private gladiatorial school.