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Last Updated on 04 Jul 2019

Author: Annelies Cazemier

CAPInv. 903: he synodos he ton melanephoron


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Delos
iii. Site Delos


i. Full name (original language) ἡ σύνοδος ἡ τῶν μελανηφόρων (I.Délos 2075, l. 1)
ii. Full name (transliterated) he synodos he ton melanephoron


i. Date(s) 124 / 123 BC


ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος, synodos


i. Source(s) I.Délos 2075 (124/3 BC)
Note Roussel 1915-16: 138, no. 95
RICIS 202/0257 (with pl. 53)
Trümper 2011: 77, no. 8
Online Resources I.Délos 2075
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script dedication of honorary statue
i.c. Physical format(s) square marble base, broken in two
ii. Source(s) provenance Sarapieion C


iv. Officials ἱερεύς, hiereus (I.Délos 2075, l. 2), named Demetrios, son of Hermesion, from Marathon; he was priest in the year when Eisigenes was archon (124/3 BC). It is not clear whether this was a priesthood specifically of the association, and it is difficult to say whether other honorary inscriptions set up for priests by melanephoroi (I.Délos 2076) or melanephoroi and therapeutai (I.Délos 2077; 2078; cf. 2081; note also 2039; 2079; 2080) concern the synodos as well. See also 'Comments'.


iii. Worship The synodos dedicated a honorary statue to Sarapis, Isis, and Anoubis (I.Délos 2075, l. 4).
Deities worshipped Sarapis
iv. Honours/Other activities The synodos of melanephoroi set up a statue in honour of their benefactor (I.Délos 2075, ll. 1-2: εὐεργέτης, euergetes) Demetrios, son of Hermesion, from Marathon, who was priest (l. 2: ἱερεύς, hiereus) in the year when Eisigenes was archon (124/3 BC). The statue was dedicated to Sarapis, Isis, and Anoubis.


i. Comments Another inscription from Sarapieion C has been attributed to the synodos of melanephoroi (CAPInv.
925), but the restoration of the text (I.Délos 2082, l. 1: ἡ σύνο[δος ἡ τῶν μελανηφόρων?], he syno[dos he ton melanephoron?] is uncertain).
From Sarapieion B comes an early attestation (e. ii BC ?) of a koinon of melanephoroi (CAPInv. 216),
which might be the same association as the synodos of I.Délos 2075 (cf. Roussel and Launey in Délos
2075; Roussel 1915-16: 270-1; Trümper 2011: 77, no. 8; Baslez 2013: 239, n 60). The Delian epigraphic
record also yields many attestations of melanephoroi which do not specifically refer to a synodos or
koinon (e.g., I.Délos 2039; 2076-2081; 2083-2084), but which may directly or indirectly concern the
same association(s). Note that information from these texts has not been taken into account in this
inventory entry. For a discussion of the melanephoroi, see Baslez 1975.
ii. Poland concordance Poland B 180a
iii. Bibliography Baslez M.-F. (1975), ‘Une association isiaque: les Mélanéphores’, CE 50 : 297-303.
Baslez, M.-F. (2013), ‘Les associations à Délos: depuis les débuts de l’indépendance (fin du IVe siècle) à la période de la colonie athénienne (milieu du IIe siècle)’, in P. Fröhlich and P. Hamon (eds.) Groupes et associations dans les cités grecques (IIIe siècle av. J.-C. - IIe siècle apr. J.-C.), Genève: 227-49.
Roussel, P. (1915-16), Les cultes égyptiens à Délos du IIIe au Ier siècle av. J.-C. Paris.
Trümper, M. (2011), ‘Where the non-Delians met in Delos: the meeting-places of foreign associations and ethnic communities in late Hellenistic Delos’, in O.M. van Nijf and R. Alston (eds.) Political culture in the Greek city after the classical age, Leuven: 49-100.


i. Private association Certain
Note The descriptive term and the wellknown character and activity of this association guarantees its private status.