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Last Updated on 18 Jun 2019

Author: Stella Skaltsa

CAPInv. 997: hoi therapeutai hoi [hyp'au]ton tat[tomenoi]


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Delos
iii. Site Delos


i. Full name (original language) οἱ θεραπευταὶ οἱ ὑπ’ αὐτὸν ταττόμενοι (IG XI 4, 1062 l. 5; 1215 ll. 4-5)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi therapeutai hoi [hyp'au]ton tat[tomenoi]


i. Date(s) m. iii - b. 166 BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:therapeutai: the term normally designates worshippers of Isis and Sarapis but it can also refer to devotees of other deities (e.g. Asklepios).
Status-related:hoi hyp'auton tattomenoi: the passive participle of the verb τάττω alludes to some sort of military or civic service (see LSJ9 s.v. 'τάσσω' ΙΙ)


i. Source(s) IG XI.4 1062 (before 166 BC)
IG XI.4 1215 (240/239? BC)
Note IG XI.4 1062: CE 42; RICIS no. 202/0162

IG XI.4 1215: CE 41; RICIS no. 202/0161
Online Resources IG XI.4 1062
IG XI.4 1215
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script IG XI.4 1062: fragmentary inscription referring to building works (l. 4: τ̣ὸν̣ [ναὸ]ν? καὶ τὸν π[ρόνα]ο̣ν? Σα̣ρ̣[άπι?]: note that the architectural terms are heavily restored).

IG XI.4 1215: dedicatory inscription to a king Ἀν[...] and a queen (ll. 1-2), perhaps in association with a Demetrios (l. 3). The identification of the king is a much disputed issue; the name can be restored as Antiochos, referring to one of the Seleucids or as Antigonos, referring to Antigonos Gonatas (Roussel 1915-16: 107). For the various suggestions about the identification of the king see RICIS 202/0162. Basel, on the other hand, is more assertive, identifying the kings with Antigonos Gonatas and his wife, Phila (Baslez 2013: 235).

In Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) IG XI.4 1062: marble slab broken into three fragments.
IG XI.4 1215: marble slab broken below and on the left side. H. 19 x W. 17 x Th. 3 cm.
ii. Source(s) provenance IG XI.4 1062: fragment a and c were found west of the temple of Isis.
IG XI.4 1215: Found in Sarapieion C.


i. Archaeological remains Sarapieion C (GD 100) lies in the terrace of the foreign gods, south of the sanctuary of the Syrian Gods (GD 98; Roussel 1915-16: 47-69).
ii. References to buildings/objects τ̣ὸν̣ [ναὸ]ν? καὶ τὸν π[ρόνα]ο̣ν?, ton [nao]n kai ton p[rona]on (IG XI.4 1062 l. 4)
Bricault suggests the reading π[ρόπυλ]ον, p[ropyl]on in line 4 (RICIS 202/0162).


ii. Leadership ὑπ᾽ἀυτὸν ταττόμενοι, hoi hyp'auton tattomenoi (IG XI 4 1215 ll. 4-5; IG XI 4 1062 l. 5): the phrase indicates that the the therapeutai were under the command of someone.
v. Other staff ἐπιμέλεσθα̣[ι, epimelesthai (IG XI.4 1062 l. 6): the infinitive of the verb epimeloumai points to someone taking over certain duties. In IG XI.4 1062 the duties may have been related to building works, as indicated by the reference to a temple ([nao]n) and another edifice ([p...]on). If so, then [...]kleides's duties were of a temporary nature, supervising the building works as long as they lasted.


iii. Worship IG XI.4 1062 (4) records the construction/ repair of the naos (heavily restored) and the pronaos? or propylon? (heavily restored) to Sarapis.
IG XI.4 1215 (L. 6) is a dedication to Sarapis, Isis and the theoi entemenioi (the gods of the enclosed precinct).
Deities worshipped Sarapis
theoi en[temenoi]


ii. Interaction abroad IG XI.4 1215 (ll. 1-3) is a dedication to a king and a queen and their son, either of the Seleucid or the Antigonid royal house (see RICIS 202/0161 for the various suggestions).


i. Comments These two inscriptions constitute the earliest attestations of therapeutai in Sarapieion C, dating to the period of the Delian Independence. The cult of the Egyptian Gods in Sarapieion C became public around 180 BC.
iii. Bibliography Baslez, M.-F. (2013), 'Les associations à Délos: depuis les débuts de l'indépendance (fin du IVe siècle) à la période de la colonie athénienne (milieu du IIe siècle)', in P. Frölich & P. Hamon (eds.), Groupes et associations dans les cités grecques (IIIe siècle av. J.-C.-IIe siècle ap. J.-C). Paris: 227-49.
Roussel, P. (1915-16), Les cultes égyptiens à Délos. Paris.


i. Private association Probable
Note The collective name hoi therapeutai hoi hyp' auton tattomenoi is attested in two inscriptions from Delos, both found in Sarapieion C and probably falling with the same timespan (second half of the third century BC). The second compound of the name hoi hyp'auton tattomenoi sets this group apart from other groups of therapeutai, alluding perhaps to a president or leader. In the light of this it can be suggested that the group enjoyed some sort of internal organization, though its durability remains uncertain.