Geographical Areas in the Inventory

The guiding principle for organizing the material is the location in which the associations are attested.
The main geographical areas covered in the Inventory (see Structure, field I.i.) focus on the eastern Mediterranean, ranging from Southern Italy in the West, to the further reaches of the Near East. The Geographical Areas in the database and their associated regions (or nomes, in the case of Egypt) are the following:
- Attica with Salamis
- Central Greece (Boiotia with Oropos; Doris; Lokris; Megaris; Phokis; Phthiotis; Thessaly)
- Peloponnese with Adjacent Islands (Achaia; Argolis; Arkadia; Corinthia; Eleia; Lakonia; Messenia; Triphylia; Aigina; Hydra; Poros; Spetsai; Kythera)
- Western Greece with the Ionian Islands (Akarnania; Aitolia; Epeiros; Corcyra; Ithake; Kephallenia; Leukas; Zakynthos)
- Macedonia (Almopia; Anthemous; Amphaxitis; Bisaltia; Bottiaia; Bottike; Chalkidike peninsula; Derriopos; Edonis; Elimeia; Eordaia; Krestonia; Krousis; Lynkos; Mygdonia; North Paionia; Parorbelia; Odomantike; Orestis; Pelagonia; Pieris; Sintike)
- Thrace (Aegean Thrace; Inland Thrace (to Istros); Propontic Thrace (incl. north coast of Propontis); Thracian Chersonese)
- Illyria & Dalmatia
- Aegean Islands (Amorgos; Anaphe; Andros; Astypalaia; Chalke; Chios; Delos; Euboea; Herakleia; Ikaria; Ikos /Halonnesos; Imbros; Ios; Kalymnos; Karpathos; Kasos; Keos; Kimolos; Korassia / Phournoi; Kos; Krete; Kythnos; Lemnos; Leros; Lesbos; Megiste / Kastelorizo; Melos; Mykonos; Naxos; Nisyros; Paros; Patmos; Peparethos / Skopelos; Pholegandros; Rhodes; Samos; Samothrace; Seriphos; Siphnos; Sikinos; Skiathos; Skyros; Syme; Syros; Telos; Tenedos; Tenos; Thasos; Thera)
- Coastal Asia Minor (Aiolis; Caria; Cilicia; Ionia; Lycia; Lydia; Mysia; Pamphylia; Troas)
- Inner Anatolia (Cappadocia; Galatia; Lycaonia; Pisidia; Phrygia)
- Black Sea Region with Propontis (East coast of the Black Sea; North coast of the Black Sea; Bithynia; Paphlagonia; Pontus; Propontis / Sea of Marmara, excl. the north coast)
- Cyprus
- Southern Italy with Sicily (Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Puglia; Sicily; NB that Latium and the city of Rome, where inscriptions in Greek are attested, have *not* been included). A note from L. Cappelletti & J. Piccinini, contributors in charge of continental Southern Italy: 'In selecting the evidence attesting private associations in Southern Italy (Magna Graecia), in the modern regions of Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Basilicata, we have taken into consideration only the evidence from certain Greek foundations and patently Hellenized centres, within the chronological range outlined ... It goes without saying that, because of the nature of Magna Graecia as a region of frontier where Greek communities merge with Italic people (Oscan speaking people) and Romans, the documents examined are not only in Greek language, but also in Latin.'
- Egypt (Arsinoites; Alexandria; Memphites; Letopolites; Gynaikopolites; Prosopites; Saites; Xoites; Menelaites; Heroopolites; Bousirites; Athribites; Leontopolites; Sebennytes; Heliopolites; Sethroites; Hebi; Mendesios; Diospolites Kato; Boubastites; Tanites; Arabia; Phthemphouth; Elephantine; Apollonopolites; Latopolites; Pathyrites; Thebes with Peri Thebas; Koptites; Tentyrites; Diospolites Mikros; Thinites; Panopolites; Antaiopolites; Apollonopolites Heptakomias; Hypselites; Atefet; Lykopolites; Nedjefet-pehet; Hermopolites; Ma-hedj; Kynopolites; Anti; Oxyrhynchites; Herakleopolites; Naret-pehet; Aphroditopolites). The attribution of locations to nomes followed Trismegistos Places.
- Libya with Cyrenaica
- The Near East and Beyond (Arabia; Bactria; Mesopotamia; Palaestina; Phoenicia; Syria with Commagene)
- Unlocated (this includes all source material of unidentified provenance)