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Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 2051: Dios Xeiniastan Dionysiastan G[..]ION[EI]ON koinon



i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Rhodos


i. Full name (original language) Διὸς Ξεινιαστᾶν Διονυσιαστᾶν Γ[․․]ιον[εί]ων κοινὸν
ii. Full name (transliterated) Dios Xeiniastan Dionysiastan G[..]ION[EI]ON koinon


i. Date(s) iii - Imp.


ii. Name elements
Personal:Γ[․․]ιον[εί]ων, G[..]ION[EI]ON - This is likely a compound name in honour of a benefactor or a founder of the association. The name has been reconstructed as Γ[ναι]ον[εἰ]ων, G[na]ion[ei]on and Χ[αιρεμ]ον[εί]ων X[airem]on[ei]on, other reconstructions are likewise possible (cf. comments).
Theophoric:Διὸς Ξεινιασταί, Dios Xeiniastai -From Zeus, specifically containing the epithet Ξένιος, Xenios (Morelli, I culti in Rodi [Pisa, 1959] 46-52, 136-147).

Διονυσιασταί, Dionysiastai - From the god Dionysos (Morrelli, I culti in Rodi [Pisa, 1959] 37-42, 122-126).
iii. Descriptive terms κοινὸν, koinon


i. Source(s) IG XII(1) 161
Online Resources IG XII(1) 161
AGRW no. 12537
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.c. Physical format(s) A rectangular base of blue marble (IG XII,1 161).
ii. Source(s) provenance Found in the City of Rhodes, near the stables of D. Ioannis (cf. Ross, Inscr. Graec. ined. Fasc § 282, IG XII,1 161).


iii. Worship The theophoric name of the association indicates a special devotion to the deities Zeus Xenios and Dionysos.


i. Local interaction The devotion to Zeus Xenios may imply a special sort of interaction locally and abroad. The connection with the deity of Zeus Xenios makes it likely that the association had connections to foreigners, since this epithet of Zeus honoured the god for his role in protecting these (cf. Nilsson 1941 v. 1 p. 392, Foucart 1873 p. 102,). A similar association dedicated to Zeus Xenios in Athens in the first century B.C. consisted of sailors and merchants - ναύκληροι καὶ ἔμποροι, naukleroi kai emporoi (IG II2 1012 ll. 14-6 cf. CAPInv. 290). Similar associations have also been attested elsewhere (cf. Poland 1909 p. 177, Farell 2010 p. 74, see also CAPInv. 837).


i. Comments There have been several attempts at explaining the third naming element of the association. Poland and Ziebarth restored the name as G[na]ion[ei]on, while Wescher, Lüders and Foucart restored the name as [xairem]on[ei]on, a name that is repeated further down the inscription (IG XII,1 161 l. 6. Foucart 1893 p. 230 n. 48, and Lüders 1873 p.168 n.58 from Wescher 1864 p 472). Neither interpretation have been able to conclusively resolve the issue. Most modern scholars leave the first set of brackets empty, while restoring the second set as [ei]. If the second bracket is properly restored, then it bears strong resemblance to frequently attested personal name elements. A compound of a personal name with -είοι, -eioi have been interpreted as having a gentilical ring, with a connection to eponymous individuals, typically benefactors or founders (Thomsen forthcoming 102 n.356, Gabrielsen 1997 p. 126-7, Poland 1909 p. 73-6, Maiuri 1916 p. 141).
ii. Poland concordance B 272
iii. Bibliography - Carratelli G.P. (1942) “Per la Storia delle Associazioni in Rodi antica,” Annuario della R. Scuola Archeologica de Atene, vol. I-II, Nuova Serie pp. 147-200.
- Farnell, L. R. (2010) The Cults of the Greek States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Foucart, P. (1873) Des associations religieuses chez les Grecs: Thiases, èranes, orgéons, avec le texte des inscriptions relatives à ces associations. Paris: Klincksieck.
- Lüders, O. (1873) Die Dionysischen Künstler. Berlin: Weidmann.
- Nilsson, M.P., (1941) Geschichte der griechischen Religion, München: C. H. Beck.
- Van Gelder, H. (1900) Geschichte der alten Rhodier, Haag: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen.
- Wescher, C. (1864) “Inscriptions de l’île de Rhodes relative à des sociétés religieuses.” Revue archéologique 10: 460-73.
- Ziebarth, E.G.L. (1896) Das griechisches Vereinswesen. Stuttgart: S. Hirzel. Repr. Wiesbaden: Martin Sändig oHG


i. Private association Certain
Note The descriptive term koinon (κοινὸν), used together with theophoric name elements and a personal name element, guarantees the private character of the association.