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Author: Vincent Gabrielsen

CAPInv. 1064: Panathenaistan systrateusamenôn syskanôn koinon


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Rhodes
iii. Site Lindos


i. Full name (original language) Παναθηναϊστᾶν συστρατευσαμένων συσκάνων κοινόν
ii. Full name (transliterated) Panathenaistan systrateusamenôn syskanôn koinon


i. Date(s) 88 - 85 BC


ii. Name elements
Cultic:The element Panathenaistai, as Blinkenberg notes (I.Lindos II, col. 797), derives from Panathenaia. However, there is little (other than the use of the Attic form) to support his inference that the Panathenaistai strateuomenoi/strateusamenoi were an association sent as a sacred embassy (theoria) to the Athenian Panathenaia, cf. C. Blinkenberg, Trihemiolia. Étude sur un type de navire rhodien. Lindiaka 7 (Copenhagen, 1938), 50. Indeed, there is evidence for a Panathenaia festival with competitions in Kamiros: Tit.Cam. nos. 106, l. 13; 110, l. 56; 159, l. 3.
Other:The elements systrateusamenoi ('those who had served together') and syskanoi (lit. 'those who share a tent') both belong to a military context. Since the recipient of honours by our association is here characterized by his service in the navy, the reference probably is specifically to warship crews. For Blinkenberg's view that after 42 BC such associations of strateuomenoi lost entirely their military character, see Gabrielsen 1997, 203 n. 55. For these terms, see under Comments below.
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν (koinon)


i. Source(s) I.Lindos II, no. 292, l. 7-8
Online Resources I.Lindos II, no. 292
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script I.Lindos II, no. 292 is a dedicatory inscription in Greek. It mentions the honours awarded to Timachidas son of Hagesitimos by two bodies and ends by listing the dedicators, Timachidas' messmates (syssitoi).
i.c. Physical format(s) Two fragments of Lartian stone, belonging to a cylindrical statue-base.


iv. Honours/Other activities Our association honours Timachidas son of Hagesitimos with a gold wreath.


i. Local interaction The person of the honorand, Timachidas son of Hagesitimos, links our association partly to the Haliastan Hal[iadan] Hesteiôn koinon, which too honours Timachidas in this inscription; and partly to the seven named individuals, listed under the heading οἱ σύσσιτοι (hoi syssitoi), who put up the dedicatory monument. It is agreed that Timachidas, who is attested also in a list of prophatai (Suppl. Epig. Rodio no. 5, l. 14), is to be identified with the author of the Lindian Chronicle (I.Lindos II, no. 2, A, l. 12), cf. Blinkenberg's commentary on ibid. no. 292, l. 1, and LGPN vol. 1 s.v. (12). Thus our association was connected to a person occupying a central position in Rhodian cultural and political life. Even stronger, however, appears to be the connection of our association to the Rhodian navy. This is primarily suggested by the elements systrateusamenoi and syskanoi in the association's name (see Comments below), which render it probable that the membership had crewed warships. It is furthermore suggested by Timachidas' own service (strateusamenos) on aphract and kataphract ships. We can therefore infer that our association was connected to the Rhodian navy and to a person with a distinguished naval service. Probably, Timachidas had served together with those honouring him.


i. Comments The elements strateusamenoi and syskanoi in the name of our association occur also in the names of other associations: Poland 1909, 127-8; Launey 1987, 1004-10, 118-22.
The first element sometimes appears as strateuomenoi/ synstrateuomenoi (I.Lindos II, no. 264; IG XI, 1 107, see also CAPInv. 2033), in which case it is believed to refer to a group of persons currently performing military service. At other times it appears as strateusamenoi/synstrateusamenoi (I.Lindos II, no. 303, l. 11; IG XII, 1 43, ll. 19-20), in which case, it is taken to refer to a group formed after the end of a campaign: for the distinction, see Poland 1909, 128; Launey 1987, 108. There are several examples of each of these sets of terms being used for groups that were short-lived or ephemeral (Launey 1987, 1005-10). However, in other cases, such as the one of the present entry, the reference is to an association proper. As regards the Rhodian examples, there are good reasons to accept Blinkenberg's view that strateuomenoi/strateusamenoi mostly refer to naval service (I.Lindos II, cols 796-7). Therefore, the members of such associations formed or had formed warship crews.
The next element of the name of our association, syskanoi (synskenoi), literally means those who share a tent or barracks (Launey 1987, 1003). But in the majority of cases, it is argued, it is a more specific form of hetairoi ('comrades') or philoi ('friends') and describes a group that had created 'la communauté de vie'. Whereas syskanoi emphasizes the group's service in a campaign, syssitoi ('messmates'), which is its synonym, emphasizes commensality: Poland 129; Launey 1987, 1002-3.
iii. Bibliography C. Blinkenberg, Trihemiolia. Étude sur un type de navire rhodien. Lindiaka 7 (Copenhagen, 1938).
V. Gabrielsen, The Naval Aristocracy of Hellenistic Rhodes. Studies in Hellenistic Civilization 6 (Aarhus, 1997).
M. Launey, Rercherches sur les armées hellénistiques. Réimpression avec addenda et mise à jour, en preface par Yvon Garlan, Philippe Gauthier, Claude Orrieux 2 vols. (Paris, 1987).
D. Morelli, I culti in Rodi. Studi Classici e Orientali 8 (Pisa, 1959).


i. Private association Certain
Note The individual elements of the name of this group together with the use of the word κοινόν (koinon) make it certain that it is a private association