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Last Updated on 13 Jan 2019

Author: Cassandre Hartenstein

CAPInv. 1480: The Association of Amun-Opet


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Thebes with Peri Thebas (U04b)
iii. Site Thebes


i. Full name (original language) Tȝ ẖny.t n Ỉmn-Ỉpy (Text A, l. 1).
ii. Full name (transliterated) The Association of Amun-Opet


i. Date(s) 109 (?) / 108 (?) BC


ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms ẖny.t
Note ẖny.t: Text A l. 1, 6
ʿ.wy: Text A, l. 7


i. Source(s) P. Assoc.: 103-135 = P. Berl. Spieg. 3115 (Text A: day 10 of Pharmuthi year 8 under Ptolemy IX= 26 April 109 BC; Text C: day 11 of Pharmuthi year 9 under Ptolemy IX= 27 April 108 BC; Text D: 1st day of Choice year 10 under Ptolemy IX= 18 December 108 BC).
Note Other publication: P. Bürgsch. 19; P. Survey 61.
Online Resources TM 3058
i.a. Source type(s) Papyrological source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script This demotic papyrus contains the rules of an association of choachytes of Thebes and an account of the same association. The rules are divided in five texts, written in three different years. Text A seems to be the act of foundation of the association written in the year 8 (the reading of the year is not certain), text C is written in year 9 and text D is written in year 10. Texts B and E have no date.
ii. Source(s) provenance Thebes. The papyrus is located in Berlin now.


ii. Leadership The mr šn (lesonis) cited l. 5 is probably the president of the association. The mḥ-2, the "second" in l. 5 is a leader too. The first title is well known in associations (De Cenival 1972: 153-158), but the second is attested in only two texts (De Cenival 1972: 168).
iii. Members The members are called "the choachytes of the necropolis of Djeme" (l. 1 nȝ wȝḥ-mw n tȝ ḫȝs.t n Ḏmȝ). Referred also as nȝ rmṯ.w l. 5 ("The people") and pȝy⸗w n pȝ ʿ.wy ("those from the house/association").
vi. Laws and rules nȝ mt.wt 'words/matters' (Text A par. 1 l. 1)
viii. Obligations Every man should bring no more than two jars of wine for the feast days (Text A, paragraph 3, l. 1): mtw⸗w tm ỉn ỉrp r tȝ ẖne.t n pȝ hrw (n) swr nty ḥry bnr ỉrp 2 "One should not bring wine to the association for the drinking day, more than two jars".
Every member who will have a male child should give 30 deben to the association (l. 4-5).


i. Number The list member in the Text A paragraph 1, lists 18 men and 8 sons.
ii. Gender Men
Note Text A contains the list of the members of the association. All the name are male. All the members named in Text E are male too.
iii. Age Children
Note In the list of members contains in Text A, some members are named with their sons. It may mean that they are under age, wether they would be named like others members.
v. Relations The list member in the Text A paragraph 1, lists 18 men and 8 sons.
vi. Proper names and physical features -Pȝ-šr-Ḏḥwty ỉrm pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 8) Psenthotes and his son
-Ptḥ (?)-ḥtp ỉrm pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 9) Ptah-hotep and his son
-Ḫnm-ỉb-Rʿ ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 10) Chonopres and his son
-Pȝ-dj-Mwt (?) ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 11) Petemouthes and his son
-Ḥr sȝ n Ḥr-sȝ-Ỉs.t ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 12) Horos son of Harsiesis and his son
-Pa-nȝ sȝ n Ḥr-sȝ-Ỉs.t (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 13) Panas son of Hasiesis
-Mntj-m-ḥȝ.t pȝ ʿȝ ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 14) Montemes the big with his son
-Wsỉr-wr ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 15) Osoroeris and his son
-Pȝ-dỉ-Wsỉr sȝ n Ḥr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 16) Petosiris son of Horos
-Nȝy-nḫt-Mntj sȝ n Ḥr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 17) Nechtmonthes son of Horos
-Pȝ-šr-Ḫnsw sȝ n Ḏd-ḥr-pȝ-hb (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 18) Psenchonsis son of Teephibis
-Ḥr-swr (?) sȝ n Ḥr-swr (?) (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 19) Hasos son of Hasos
Nȝy-nḫt-f pȝ ḥnʿ pȝy=f šr (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 20) Nechoutes and his son
Nȝy-nḫ=f pȝ ḫm (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 21) Nechoutes the older
Ḥr sȝ n Pȝ-nḫt (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 22) Horos son of Panachtes
Pn-Mntj sȝ n Ỉmn-ḥtp (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 23) Pamonthes son of Amenothes
Pn-nȝ sȝ n Pȝ-nḫt (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 24) Panas son of Panachtes
Ḥr-sȝ-Ỉs.t sȝ n Pȝ-nḫt (Text A, paragraph 1, l. 25) Harsiesis son of Panachtes


ii. Meetings and events Paragraph 2 of Text A lists the "drinking days" where the members should meet (l. 1-18). Every man has to bring two jars of wine for every feast, and no more.
Deities worshipped Montou ? (Text D, l. 6).


iii. Bibliography Monson, A. (2007), 'Religious Associations and Temples in Ptolemaic Tebtunis', dans J. Fräen, T. Purola et E. Salmenkivi (ed.), Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, 1-7 August 2004, Helsinki: II 769-778.
Monson, A. (2006), 'The Ethics and Economics of Ptolemaic Religious Associations', AncSoc 36: 231-238.
De Cenival, Fr. (1972), Les associations religieuses en Égypte d’après les documents démotiques, Le Caire.
De Cenival, Fr., (1969) « Les associations dans les temples égyptiens d'après les données fournies par les papyrus démotiques », in P. Derchain (ed.), Religions en Égypte hellénistique et romaine : colloque de Strasbourg, 16-18 mai 1967, Paris: 5-19.


i. Private association Certain
Note The use of ẖny.t (l. 1) to describe this group proves that it was a private association.