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Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 2136: Mesogeioi


i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica
iii. Site Athens


i. Full name (original language) Μεσόγειοι (IG II2 1244, 2, 6-8; IG II2 1245, 2, 10, 11-12, 14-15; IG II2 1247, 10)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Mesogeioi


i. Date(s) 337 - m. iii BC


i. Name in other forms Μεσόγεοι (IG II2 1247, 5, 15) Mesogeoi
ii. Name elements
Geographical:It designates the in-landers.
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon
Note In IG II2 1244, 7-8 the following descriptive term is restored: [... τῶι κοινῶι τ]/ῶι Μεσογεί[ων ...] (toi koinoi t/on Mesogeion).
Schlaifer 1944, 25-27 on the basis of the stoichedon arrangement finds that this restoration is one letter longer than the available space and restores γένει, genei, see however, the objection of Jones 1999, 238 n. 82.


i. Source(s) IG II2 1244 (337-323 BC)
IG II2 1245 (275/4 BC)
IG II2 1247 (m. iii BC)
Note IG II2 1244 Ed. pr. Athenaion 8 (1879) 233 no. 3 (ΑΡΜΑ 1, 96 αρ. 372) . Other publications: IG II.5 603b. Arch. Eph. 1905, 231 no. 8. Michel 1912: no. 1546. Malouchou 2019: 86 no. 5. Cf. SEG 22.121; 47.33; 48.128; BE 1966, no. 146; 2020, no. 148. Tracy 1995: 114 (date).

IG II2 1245 Ed. pr. Eph. Arch. 1840, 307 no. 369 (ΑΡΜΑ 5, no. 2652). Other publications: Curtius 1843: 1 no. 1. Rangabes 1855: no. 799. IG II 602. Malouchou 2019: 72 no. 2. Cf. Papazarkadas 2011: 176-7; 182-3. SEG 47.33; 48.2171; 56.3; 57.133; 63.108; BE 1946/7, no. 91; 1966, no. 146; 2020, no. 148.

IG II2 1247 Ed. pr. Athenaion 4 (1875) 112 no. 4 (ΑΡΜΑ 1, 92 no. 1). Other publications: IG ii 603. Malouchou 2019: 82 no. 4. Cf. SEG 47.33; 48.2171; BE 1946/7, no. 91; 1966, no. 146; 2020, no. 148.
Online Resources IG II2 1244

IG II2 1245

IG II2 1247
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script IG II2 1244 Honorary decree for an unknown person.

IG II2 1245 Honorary decree for Polyeuktos son of Lysistratos of Bate.

IG II2 1247 Honorary decree for Epigenes son of Metrodoros of Kydathenai.
i.c. Physical format(s) IG II2 1244 Lower part of a marble stele (0.22x0,16x0,068m)

IG II2 1245 Upper part of a marble pedimental stele (0,422x0,45x0,07m)

IG II2 1247 Marble stele (1,08x0,32x0,25m).
ii. Source(s) provenance IG II2 1244 Found in the area of Kamatero, between Chasia and Liosia. Now in the Epigraphical Museum EM 7753.

IG II2 1245 Found in the locality called in the 19th century Batheia, near modern Bathes Squ. Now in the Epigraphical Museum, EM 7757a

IG II2 1247 Found in the locality called in the 19th century Batheia, near modern Bathes Squ. Now in the Epigraphical Museum EM 10552.


ii. References to buildings/objects In IG II2 1244, 3 and in IG II2 1245, 15 there is a reference to a sanctuary (ἱερόν, hieron) perhaps to be identified with the one mentioned in IG II2 1247, 27 and with that referred to in IG II2 1247, 15 as Ἡρακλέωι (Herakleoi), restored also in IG II2 1244, 4. The sanctuary was either used or owned by the group.
In IG II2 1244, 6 there is a reference to a γραμματεῖον (grammateion), an archive surely belonging to the group.


ii. Leadership Perhaps the person designated as ἄρχων (archon) was the leader of the group.
Known practice of appointment Elected annualy as implied in IG II2 1247, 28-29.
iii. Members IG II2 1245 Two masculine names.
IG II2 1247 Three masculine names.
iv. Officials IG II2 1244, 9: ταμίας, tamias (treasurer); l.6: [ἄρχων], [archon] (leader).
IG II2 1245, 2: ἄρχων, archon (leader)
IG II2 1247, 4, 28-29: ἄρχων, archon (leader), l. 13, 21: κῆρυξ, kerux (herald); ll.19-20: μνήμων, mnemon (recorder).
v. Other staff IG II2 1247, 18: ἱερεὺς Ἡρακλέους, hiereus Herakleous (priest of Heracles); l.19: ἱερεὺς Διόμου, hiereus Diomou (priest of Diomos); l. 20: πυρφόρος, purphoros (fire-carrier); ll.20-21: κοραγωγός, koragogos (leader of the Maiden).
Parker 1996, 306 argues that the priests of Heracles and Diomos were likely members of the group. However, two points may raise doubt; they are not mentioned by name and they are crowned with an olive-leaves crown, of lesser value than the golden crown. Therefore, they may belong to the personnel of the sanctuary and not to the association.
viii. Obligations In IG II2 1244, 5-11, the archon is ordained to register in the archive the decision of the group, while the treaurer is to provide the funds for its inscription on stone.
In IG II2 1247, 27-31 the archon is ordained to pay 10 dr. from the common fund (κοινὴ πρόσοδος τῶν τοῦ θεοῦ χρημάτων, koine prosodos ton tou theou chrematon) for the inscription of the decree on the stele and 15 dr. for a sacrifice.


i. Treasury/Funds IG II2 1244, 8-11: The treasurer is asked to provide 20 dr. against the cost of the inscription of the decision, from the fund reserved for decrees.
IG II2 1247, 28-31: The association had a treasury from which its activities like sacrifices, inscription of decrees on stone stelai, were funded.
ii. Realty In IG II2 1244, 3 and in IG II2 1245, 15 there is a reference to a sanctuary (ἱερόν, hieron) perhaps to be identified with the one mentioned in IG II2 1247, 27 and with that referred to in IG II2 1247, 15 as Ἡρακλέωι (Herakleoi), restored in IG II2 1244, 4. Perhaps this sanctuary was either used or owned by the group, see Parker 1999, 306-7.
In IG II2 1244, 6 there is a reference to a γραμματεῖον (grammateion), an archive surely belonging to the group.
iii. Income Perhaps the term ἀγοραστικόν, agorastikon denotes income from the sanctuary's property (situated in the agora?), according to Malouchou 2019: 75; cf. Bubelis 2013.


i. Number IG II2 1245: 2 names.
IG II2 1247: 3 names.
ii. Gender Men
Note IG II2 1245:
Ἀμυνόμαχος Φιλοκράτου Βατῆθεν, Ath. Onom. s.v. (4)
Πολύευκτος Λυσιστράτου Βατῆθεν, Ath. Onom. s.v. (28)

IG II2 1247:
Ἐπιγένης Μητροδώρου Κυδαθηναιεύς, Ath. Onom. s.v. (62)
Προκλείδης ἐκ Κεραμέων, Ath. Onom. s.v. (20)
Ἀδείμαντος, Ath. Onom. s.v. (7)
iii. Age Adults
iv. Status IG II2 1245: Citizens
IG II2 1247: Two of them certainly citizens, the third most probably.


iii. Worship IG II2 1244, 5: Reference to a regular sacrifice (θυσία, thusia) and to a celebration (although restored) (ἑορτή, heorte).
IG II2 1245, 3-10: Reference to performance of a sacrifice and a procession in honour of Heracles and further rituals, like sharing the meat (κρεανομία, kreanomia), decorating tables (ἐπικόσμησις τραπέζης, epikosmesis trapezes).
IG II2 1247, 5-10: Reference to the performance, according to the ancestral manner, of sacrifices to the gods and heroes, a procession (πομπή, pompe) in honour of Heracles and the provision of meat (probably for the sacrifice). In line 14 a celebration of Heracles is mentioned, probably identical with the day of sacrifice and procession.
Deities worshipped In IG II2 1247, there are references to the worship of Herakles and an enigmatic reference to the Athenian hero Diomos (Kearns 1989, 156), see Malouchou 2019: 85. For the festival see Parker 2005, 472-3.
iv. Honours/Other activities IG II2 1245, 12-15: The honoured magistrate is to be commended (ἐπαινέσαι, epainesai) and crowned (στεφανῶσαι, stephanosai) with a golden crown (χρυσός στέφανος, chrysos stephanos).
IG II2 1247, 10-25: The honoured magistrates are to be commended (ἐπαινέσαι, epainesai) and crowned (στεφανῶσαι, stephanosai), the archon with a golden crown (χρυσός στέφανος, chrysos stephanos) worth 500 dr. while the rest with an olive crown (στέφανος θαλλοῦ, stephanos thallou). In addition, the archon will be honoured with a proclamation of his crowning by the herald (ἀνειπέτω ὁ κῆρυξ, aneipeto ho keryx) during the festival of Heracles.


iii. Bibliography Bubelis, W. (2013), 'The agorastikon of Hellenistic Athens', ZPE 185: 122-6.
Curtius, E. (1843), Inscriptiones Atticae nuper repertae duodecim. Berlin.
Jones, N. F. (1999), The associations of classical Athens : the response to democracy. Oxford.
Malouchou, Geōrgia E. (2019), 'To Hērakleion tōn Mesogeiōn; hoi epigraphikes martyries', in Matthaiou, Ang. P. and Bardani, V. (eds), Stephanōi stephanos. Meletes eis mnēmēn Stephanou N. Koumanoudē (1931-1987), Athenai: 67-97.
Kearns, Emily (1989), The heroes of Attica. London.
Michel, Ch. (1912), Recueil d'inscriptions grecques. Supplement, Paris.
Papazarkadas, N. (2011), Sacred and public land in ancient Athens. Oxford.
Parker, R. (1996), Athenian religion. A history. Oxford.
Parker, R, (2005), Polytheism and society at Athens. Oxford.
Rangabes, A. R. (1855), Antiquites helleniques ou repertoire d’inscriptions et d’autre antiquites decouvertes depuis l’affranchissement de la Grece. Athenes.
Schlaifer, R. (1944), 'The Attic association of ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΙ', Classical Philology 39: 22-27.
Tracy, S. V. (1995), Athenian democracy in transition: Attic letter-cutters of 340 to 290 B.C.. Berkeley.


i. Private association Probable
Note It is the current orthodoxy to regard Mesogeioi as a genos (e.g., most recently and comprehensively Parker 1996, 306). Jones 1999, 238-9 rejects the identification with a genos. The preserved evidence cannot exclude the possiblity of Mesogeioi being a cult association, so Malouchou 2019: 89, where the most recent discussion. The association has a distinct name, internal organization, but its link with the polis through the performance of a minor ritual remains an assumption.