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PDFLast Updated on 16 Mar 2017
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Geographical area |
Southern Italy with Sicily
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Region |
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Site |
Pozzuoli (anc. Puteoli)
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Full name (original language) |
cultores dei patri (AE 1972: no. 79, l. 10)
ii. |
Full name (transliterated) |
cultores dei patri
s. iii - 337 AD
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Name elements |
Cultic: | cultores: the worshippers | Theophoric: | deus patrius (AE 1972: no. 79, l. 10) |
i. |
Source(s) |
AE 1972: no. 79 (AD 290-326) CIL X 1805 (s. iii AD - AD 337)
Note |
See also: AE 1972: no. 79, EDR075343
Online Resources |
TM 250430 and EDR075343 (AE 1972: no. 79) TM 536111 (CIL X 1805)
i.a. |
Source type(s) |
Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. |
Document(s) typology & language/script |
Both inscriptions are written in Latin. AE 1972: no. 79 is a dedication of a statue to Iulius Sulpicius Sucessus made by the cultores dei patri together with the regio decatriae (AE 1972: no. 79, l. 10) and the vexillari (AE 1972: no. 79, l. 11). CIL X 1805 is a funerary inscription of an unknown man described as sacerdos d(ei) p(atri) immunis (CIL X 1805, l. 3).
i.c. |
Physical format(s) |
AE 1972: no. 79 is a large marble statue base. CIL X 1805 is a fragmentary inscription known through manuscript tradition.
ii. |
Source(s) provenance |
The base AE 1972: no. 79 was found in 1965, embedded in the Campanile of the Cathedral of S. Procolo at Pozzuoli. CIL X 1805 was found near Pozzuoli.
ii. |
Leadership |
Probably a sacerdos, see the sacerdos dei patri attested in CIL X 1805, l. 3. In CIL X 1805 the anonymous priest held his office as an immunis (l. 3), i.e. without making the customary outlay for amusements or other purposes, cf. Peterson 1919: 95. It may imply that normally the chief officer received his position in the association with some payment.
iii. |
Members |
Referred to as cultores dei patri (AE 1972: no. 79, l. 10).
viii. |
Obligations |
The erection of the base/statue may imply that the cultores dei patri either collected money ad hoc or each member had to pay regularly some sum, which went into the (unattested) treasury.
i. |
Treasury/Funds |
The erection of the base/statue may imply that the association had its own funds/treasury.
ii. |
Gender |
Note |
See the anonymous sacerdos dei patri attested in CIL X 1805.
iii. |
Age |
Note |
See the anonymous sacerdos dei patri attested in CIL X 1805.
iv. |
Status |
The unknown sacerdos dei patri of CIL X 1805 was a man of equestrian rank, who, as curator aquae Augustae (CIL X 1805, l. 6), had secured for years and at his own expense the maintenance of the most important city aqueduct, see Camodeca 1980-1981: 117.
iv. |
Honours/Other activities |
The cultores dei patri awarded a base statue for Iulius Sulpicius Sucessus who was vir egregius, patronus coloniae and procurator portus Puteolanorum (AE 1972: no. 79, ll. 4-5). The honor is justified with reference to his benefactions and love towards the citizens and the homeland (ob meritis et adfectione amoreque eius erga cives et patriam, AE 1972: no. 79, ll. 6-7).
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Local interaction |
The honorand Iulius Sulpicius Sucessus in AE 1972: no. 79 was a local man of equestrian rank (see D'Arms 1972: 259). The cultores dei patri dedicated the statue together with other local groups: the regio decatriae, i.e. a city region of Puteoli, and the vexillari (see CAPInv. 1083), i.e. the collegial standard bearers. The ordo decurionum and the populus Puteolanus gave their approval.
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Comments |
The identity of the deity called deus patrius is not clear, see Peterson 1919: 398-9. D'Arms 1972: 268-70 believes that the deus patrius was a god, perhaps Serapis, revered by a foreign group in the city.
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Bibliography |
Camodeca, G. (1980-1981), ‘Ricerche su Puteoli tardoromana (fine III – IV secolo)’, Puteoli 4-5: 59-128. Castagnetti, S. (2007), ‘I collegia della Campania’, in E. Lo Cascio and G.D. Merola (eds.), Forme di aggregazione nel mondo romano, Bari: 223-42. D'Arms, J.H. (1972), ‘A new inscribed base from 4th century Puteoli’, PP 27: 255-70. Peterson, R.M. (1919), The cults of Campania. Rome.
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Private association |
Note |
For the use of the term cultores to indicate the ordinary members of a collegium, which was religious in character see Castagnetti 2007: 228.