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Last Updated on 12 Jul 2019

Author: Andreas Victor Walser

CAPInv. 1953: hoi hierourgoi


i. Geographical area Eastern Asia Minor
ii. Region Galatia
iii. Site Ankyra


i. Full name (original language) οἱ ἱερουργοί (I.Ankara 8)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi hierourgoi


i. Date(s) 145 - 161 AD


i. Source(s) I.Ankara 8
Note IGRR III 162; Bosch 1967: no. 98); for a list of further editions cf. I.Ankara
Online Resources Bosch 1967: no. 98
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Greek inscription in three parts: a dedicatory inscription to the emperor at the beginning, a longlist of names, and a second dedicatory inscription at the end.
i.c. Physical format(s) White marble stele, broken at the top, with the inscription in a deep panel.
ii. Source(s) provenance Ankara, built into the wall in the courtyard of the house facing the Ali Şerafettin Türbesi, close to the Aslan Hane cami.


iii. Members The members of the association are called ἱερουργοί, hierourgoi, "sacrificing priests" in l. 66 of the inscription.

It is almost certain that these hierourgoi are to be identified with the persons named in the list.


i. Number The inscription lists the names of 92 persons who seem to have constituted the association.
ii. Gender Men
iv. Status Of the 92 members, 15 are Roman citizens. The remaining members are designated with Greek, Latin or Celtic names, reflecting both the influence of Roman culture and the persistence of Celtic traditions in Galatia.

Some members of the association appear in other inscriptions or are connected to other known individuals. It is obvious that the members of the association were part of the upper stratum of the provincial society.


iii. Worship The association sets up a stele and a list of their names for the salvation of the Emperor Antoninus Pius.

Furthermore, one member, who does not seem to have an official special function within the association, covers the expenses of setting up the statue of the emperor, of the stele and of the inscriptions for the hierourgoi.


i. Comments The dating of the inscription in the time of Antoninus Pius follows S. Mitchell (in I.Ankara ad loc.). Vitale (2011: 118 with n. 117), following Rémy et al., dates the text, less convincingly, in the time of Commodus or Caracalla.
iii. Bibliography Bosch, E. (1967), Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ankara im Altertum. Ankara.
Vitale, M. (2011), Eparchie und Koinon in Kleinasien von der ausgehenden Republik
bis ins 3. Jh. n. Chr.
. Bonn.


i. Private association Probable
Note The nature of the association is not completely clear. Bosch – following earlier suggestions by Ramsey – identifies the cult association with the koinon of the province of Galatia: "Dieser Kultverein muss das Koinon, die Nationalversammlung der Provinz sein, denn wir haben es mit den vornehmsten Leuten zu tun. Die 92 Personen unserer Namensliste sind also die zum Koinon gewählten Deputierten der Provinz, die Galatarchen." (Bosch 1967: 114). For a critical discussion of this view cf. Vitale 2011: 118-120.
S. Mitchell (in I.Ankara ad loc.) just speaks of an association and does not engage with Bosch's interpretation.