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Last Updated on 05 Jul 2019

Author: Maria Paz de Hoz

CAPInv. 363: hoi peri ton Heraklea ton proton gymnasion neaniskoi kai kata to archaion tou tritou


i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Lydia
iii. Site Thyateira


i. Full name (original language) οἱ περὶ τὸν Ἡρακλέα τῶν πρώτων γυμνασίων νεανίσκοι καὶ κατὰ τὸ ἀρχαῖον τοῦ τρίτου (TAM V.2 994, ll. 2-6; TAM V.2 1009, ll. 2-6; TAM V.2 1015, ll. 2-6; TAM V.2 1007, ll. 1-5; TAM V.2 987, ll. 4-8)
ii. Full name (transliterated) hoi peri ton Heraklea ton proton gymnasion neaniskoi kai kata to archaion tou tritou


i. Date(s) iii AD


i. Name in other forms οἱ περὶ τὸν Ἡρακλέα τῶν πρώτων γυμνασίων καὶ κατὰ τὸ ἀρχαῖον τοῦ τρίτου νεανίσκοι, hoi peri ton Heraklea ton proton gymnasion kai kata to archaeon tou tritou neaniskoi (TAM V.2 949, ll. 2-4; TAM V.2 1008, ll. 2-5)
ii. Name elements
Cultic:Association related to Herakles.
Other:The term neaniskoi refers to an age category related to the gymnasion. It seems that the neaniskoi in Thyateira were divided among three gymnasia of the city, that were originally called "first", "second" and "third". Probably by the end of the second century, in relation to the in Asia Minor usual rank-disputes, the first two changed their names to "first" (τῶν πρότων γυμνασίων, ton proton gymnasion) and the third one preserved its old name "the third following the old name" (κατὰ τὸ ἀρχαῖον τὸ τρίτον, kata to archaion to triton). Keil-Premerstein II, p. 39.
iii. Descriptive terms οἱ νεανίσκοι, hoi neaniskoi
Note hoi neaniskoi: TAM V.2 994, l. 4; TAM V.2 1009, l. 4; TAM V.2 1015, l. 4; TAM V.2 1007, l. 3; TAM V.2 987, ll. 6-7; TAM V.2 949, l. 4; TAM V.2 1008, l. 5


i. Source(s) TAM V.2 949 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 994 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 1009 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 1015 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 1007 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 1008 (iii AD)
TAM V.2 987 (iii AD)

Note See also:
IGR IV 1266
IGR IV 1267
IGR IV 1264
IGR IV 1268
IGR IV 1217
CIG 3502
CIG 3503
Keil and Premerstein 1911: nos. 65, 66, 67, 68
Online Resources TAM V.2 949
TAM V.2 994
TAM V.2 1009
TAM V.2 1015
TAM V.2 1007
TAM V.2 1008
TAM V.2 987
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script All evidences are honorific inscriptions. Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) All evidences are written on bases.
ii. Source(s) provenance City of Thyateira


ii. References to buildings/objects The name of the association makes reference to gymnasia.


ii. Leadership One of the honorific decrees (TAM V.2 1008) is erected ὑπὸ ἐπιστάτην Αὐρ. Ἀττικὸν Ζοσίμου, hypo epistaten Aur. Attikon Zosimou (ll. ll. 11-12) who was probably the president of the association during the agones mentioned in the inscription (l. 10).
v. Other staff a prostates (president) of the games (Seouereia) is attested in TAM V.2 949, but it is not sure if he is a member of the association or not.
viii. Obligations The association probably had obligations towards the gymnasia of the city as its name lets suppose.


i. Treasury/Funds The association must have good funds in order to organise the agones mentioned in the inscriptions.


iii. Age Adults
Note The neaniskoi were, like paides and epheboi, one of the levels in which children and youths were divided in the gymnasion. They were probably around 18 years old.


ii. Meetings and events (1) celebration of the Sebastoi agones, organized by the association itself (TAM V.2 949, 1009, 1017, 1008) for the epinikia heortai of the emperor M. Aur. Severus Alexandros (TAM V.2 949: with the name of the emperor erased).
(2) they probably organized other sport events in relation to the gymnasion as their theophoric name also lets belief.
iii. Worship The association worshipped Herakles as god of the gymnasion.
Deities worshipped Herakles
iv. Honours/Other activities The association honours:
- a person who has presided the games with glory and generously (TAM V.2 949)
- a philopatris (TAM V.2 994, l. 8)
- victors in the pale (TAM V.2 1009, 1015) and in the pankration (TAM V.2 1017, 1008)


i. Local interaction The association was possibly related to the akmastai (probably also an association related to Herakles) of the same city (TAM V.2 957).


iii. Bibliography Bailie, J.K. (1846), Fasciculus inscriptionum Graecorum potissimum I. London-Dublin: 59, no. XIII d.
Hessel, F. (1731), Antiquae Inscriptiones. Leeuwarden: 27, no. 1.
Hicks, E.L. (1889), ‘Inscriptions from Thyatira’, CR 3: 136-8, esp. 137, no. 5.
de Hoz, M.-P. (1999), Die Lydischen Kulte im Lichte der griechischen Inschriften. Bonn: nos. 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 22.6 and 22.7.
Keil, J., and von Premerstein, A. (1911), Bericht über eine zweite Reise in Lydien ausgeführt 1908, (Denkschriften Akad. Wien Band 54.2). Vienna.


i. Private association Possible
Note The theophoric name of the association, its relation to the gymnasia of the city, its organization of agones in honour of the emperor and the high status of some of the honoured persons make it possible that it had some sort of official character or a special relation to the state. It had probably a similar status between private and public as the associations of neoi.