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Last Updated on 10 Jul 2019

Author: Fabienne Marchand

CAPInv. 993: [to k]oinon ton techniton ton eis Isthmon [kai Nemean symporeuo]menon


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Boiotia
iii. Site Thebes


i. Full name (original language) [τὸ κ]οινὸν τῶν τεχνιτῶν τῶν εἰς Ἰσθμὸν [καὶ Νεμέαν συμπορευο]μένων (CID IV.70, ll. 2-3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) [to k]oinon ton techniton ton eis Isthmon [kai Nemean symporeuo]menon


i. Date(s) 228 - i BC


i. Name in other forms [οἱ τεχνῖται οἱ εἰς] Ἰσθμὸν καὶ Νεμέαν συντελοῦντες (CID IV.71, l. 2)
οἱ τ[εχνῖται] (IG VII 2447, l. 4)
ii. Name elements
Geographical:Isthmus and Nemea
iii. Descriptive terms τὸ κοινόν, to koinon
Note to koinon: CID IV.70, l. 2


i. Source(s) CID IV.70 (228/7-222/1 BC)
CID IV.71 (228/7-222/1 BC)
IG VII 2413 (146 BC)
IG VII 2447 (i BC)
Note See also:
CID IV.70:
F.Delphes III.1 351
Csapo and Slater 1994: 245-6, no. 41 (eng. trans.)
Le Guen I no. 20 B
Aneziri no. B3b
Manieri 2009: Theb. 5.
CID IV.71:
F.Delphes III.1 351
Rigsby 1996: no. 4
Le Guen I no. 20 C
Aneziri no. B3c
Manieri 2009: Theb. 5. On these two, see also SEG 38: 464.
IG VII 2413:
Sherk 1969: no. 44
Le Guen I no. 34
Aneziri no. B6
IG VII 2447:
Le Guen I no. 21
Aneziri no. Gc
Manieri: Theb. 9
Online Resources CID IV.70
IG VII 2413
IG VII 2447
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script CID IV.70-71: to amphictyonic decrees on the Theban Agrionia.
IG VII 2413: letter from a Roman consul generally identified as L. Mummius granting privileges to the Isthmian technitai.
IG VII 2447: fragment of victors list at the Theban Agrionia.
All these inscriptiones are written in Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) CID IV.70-71: fragmentary blocks belonging to the Theban treasury at Delphi.
IG VII 2413: fragment of white marble.
IG VII 2447: fragment of white marble broken to the right and at the bottom.


iii. Members τεχνῖται, technitai
iv. Officials A priest is sent by the Isthmian technitai to the Theban festival of the Agrionia in honour of Dionysos (IG VII 2447).
Epimeletai chosen by the technitai administer the affairs of the sanctuary of Dionysos at Thebes jointly with the priest of Dionysos and the agonothetes of the festival (CID IV.70, l. 15).
v. Other staff Auletai, choreutai, as well as comic and tragic actors are sent to the Agrionia (CID IV.71, ll. 5-6).
ix. Privileges The privileges granted by L. Mummius include l. ff.: aleitourgia, ateleia, exemption from all other taxes for themselves, their wives and children until they become of age.


v. Relations The Delphic Amphictyony was asked to pass decrees on the affairs concerning the Theban Agrionia.


ii. Meetings and events Participation in the Theban Agrionia
iii. Worship IG VII 2447: the priest mentioned is the priest of Dionysos, and he is sent to a festival in honour of Dionysos. Mummius also mentions the Dionysos in his letter. This implies that the technitai were worshipping the god. On the technitai and Dionysos: Le Guen II: 84-5.
iv. Honours/Other activities The technitai proclaim the sacrifice and the ekecheiria jointly with the city of Thebes. The affairs of the sanctuary of Dionysos at Thebes are administered by epimeletai chosen by the technitai, and by the priest of Dionysos sent by the technitai (on this Le Guen II: 18) and the Theban agonothetes.


i. Local interaction Involvement in the organisation of the festival of the Agrionia in honour of Dionysos Kadmeios at Thebes (on this dossier, see Le Guen II: 17-8; Aneziri: 271-83; Aneziri 2007: 68-80; Manieri 2009: 286-7).


i. Comments Our documentation shows that the Isthmian technitai are closely involved in the organisation of the Theban festival of the Agrionia in honour of Dionysos Kadmeios. In CID IV.70 their security (asphaleia, l. 7) is guaranteed during the festival and the sanctuary of Dionysos Kadmeios at Thebes receives asylia (on the asylia of the sanctuary see also CID IV.71, l. 8). Epimeletai and a priest of Dionysos chosen by the technitai participate in the administration of the sanctuary of the god. Provisions are made if auletai, choreutai and actors do not participate in the festival (CID VI.71).
IG VII 2447 is fragmentary, but following similar victors list at the Mouseia of Thespiai, it appears that the Isthmian technitai were sending a priest to the Theban festival of the Agrionia.
On Mummius and the technitai: Le Guen II: 25-6.
iii. Bibliography Aneziri, S. (2003), Die Vereine der dionysischen Techniten im Kontext der hellenistischen Gesellschaft. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte, Organisation und Wirkung der hellenistischen Technitenvereine. Stuttgart.
Aneziri, S. (2007), ‘The Organisation of Music Contests in the Hellenistic Period and Artists' Participation: An Attempt at Classification’, in P. Wilson (ed.), The Greek Theatre and Festivals, Oxford: 67-84.
Csapo, E., and Slater, W. (1994), The context of ancient drama. Ann Arbor.
Le Guen, B. (2001), Les associations de technites dionysiaques à l’époque hellénistique. II, Corpus documentaire. Nancy.
Manieri, A. (2009), Agoni Poetico-musicali nella Grecia Antica, 1. Beozia. Pisa.
Rigsby, K. (1996), Asylia. Territorial inviolability in the Hellenistic World. Berkeley.
Roesch, P. (1982), Etudes béotiennes. Paris.
Sherk, R.K. (1969), Roman Documents from the Greek East. Senatus Consulta and Epistuale to the Age of Augustus. Baltimore.


i. Private association Certain
Note The Dionysiac technitai present all features of a private association. The internal organization of the Dionysiac technitai has been meticulously established in modern scholarship.