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Last Updated on 23 May 2019

Author: Sofia Kravaritou

CAPInv. 1233: Andragathidai hoi en Kylliadais


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Thessaly. Pelasgiotis.
iii. Site Ancient city of Larisa.


i. Full name (original language) Ἀνδραγαθίδαι οἱ ἐν Κυλλιάδαις (SEG 35: 608, ll. 2-3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Andragathidai hoi en Kylliadais


i. Date(s) iii BC


ii. Name elements
Kinship-related:The term Andragathidai was interpreted as a gentilician referring to a social group, a phratry or a genos (Helly 1995: 320; Decourt and Tziafalias 2001: 14; Darmezin and Tziafalias 2007: 28; Tziafalias and Helly 2013: 208, n. 162; Helly forthcoming; Mili 2015: 349).
Topographical:The phrase hoi en Kylliadais gives a toponymic precision for the group (Andragathidai). It has been argued that this was the site where they resided (Decourt and Tziafalias 2001: 147; Darmezin and Tziafalias 2007: 28). It has been also argued that this is a category of toponyms that derive from gentilicians that are related to heritage areas; it means 'the land of the Kylliai', while Kyllos is a common personal name in Thessaly (Helly 1995: 320; Tziafalias and Helly 2013: 208, n. 162; Helly forthcoming)


i. Source(s) SEG 35: 608 (iii BC)
Note See also:
Tziafalias 1984: 216-8
BE 1988: no. 737
Heinz 1998: 174, cat. no. 10
Online Resources SEG 35: 608
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script SEG 35: 608 is a dedication to Zeus Homoloios by the Andragathidai hoi en Kylliadais.

i.c. Physical format(s) Stele of grayish white marble used twice; originally a dedication and later records of manumission. The stele is broken in three pieces (Heinz 1998: 174, cat no. 10, fig. 34).
ii. Source(s) provenance Ancient city of Larisa (probably from the ancient agora. Now in the museum of Larisa, inv. no. 78/9.


i. Archaeological remains The site of the ancient city of Larisa has a significant record of finds (public architecture, sculpture, inscriptions, coins and small finds) dating to the classical period (Decourt, Nielsen, Helly et al. 2004: 695-7).
The inscription was found probably in second - bearing manumission records - or third use at 8 Roosevelt Street, along with various inscriptions (Tziafalias 1979: 217, no. 3).


iii. Worship The group dedicates a stele to the God.
Deities worshipped Zeus Homoloios


iii. Bibliography Darmezin, L., and Tziafalias, A. (2007), ‘The Twelve Tribes of Atrax: a Lexical Study’, in E. Matthews (ed.), Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics. Oxford: 21-8.
Decourt, J.-C., and Tziafalias A. (2001), ‘Une liste civique à Crannon: La stèle dite des Ménandridai’, ZPE 137: 139-52.
Decourt, J.-C., Nielsen, Th.H., Helly, Br. et al. (2004), ‘Thessalia and adjacent regions’, in M.H. Hansen and Th.H. Nielsen (eds.), An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. Oxford: 695-7.
Heinz, M. (1998), Thessalische Votivstelen. Bochum.
Helly, Br. (1995). L'Etat thessalien. Aleuas le Roux, les tétrades et les tagoi. Lyon.
Helly, Br. (forthcoming), ‘La Thessalie des 'siècles obscurs': un essai d'interprétation historique’, in Mélanges offerts à Phanouria Dakoronia.
Mili, M. (2015). Religion and Society in Ancient Thessaly. Oxford: 349.
Tziafalias A. (1979), ‘Ανασκαφικές εργασίες. Λάρισα’, AD 34: 212-21.
Tziafalias A. (1984), ‘Ανέκδοτες Θεσσαλικές επιγραφές’, Thessaliko Hemerologio 7: 193-237.
Tziafalias, A., and Helly, Br. (2013), ‘Décrets inédits de Larisa organisant la vente des terres publiques attribuées aux cavaliers’, Topoi 18: 135-249.


i. Private association Possible
Note Although this seems to be a civic group, the possible connexion of the topographic element in the name with a private group originating from the same inhabited area allows the question to remain open.