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Last Updated on 10 Jul 2019

Author: Georgios Zachos

CAPInv. 1479: Asklapiadan to koinon Koion kai Knidion


i. Geographical area Central Greece
ii. Region Phokis
iii. Site Delphi


i. Full name (original language) Ἀσκλαπιαδᾶν τὸ κοινὸν Κώιων καὶ Κνιδίων (CID I 12, ll. 1-3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) Asklapiadan to koinon Koion kai Knidion


i. Date(s) f. iv BC


ii. Name elements
Geographical:Kos and Knidos
Kinship-related:The Asklapiadai of Kos and Knidos descend from Podaleirius son of Asclepius (Theop. FHG I, 296, frg. 111; Sudhoff 1927: 81-2). Also, Nebros after the loss of his son in Delphi left Kos and moved to Rhodos
Theophoric:Asklapiadai, Asclepius
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon


i. Source(s) 1) CID I 12 (first half 4th c. BC)
2) CID I 11 (380? BC)
3)[Hippocrates] presbeutikos 409-415 (4th/3rd c. BC)
Note Other editions
1)Bousquet 1956: 579 no. 7; LSCG 42
Smith 1990: 14-15; Jacquemin-Mulliez-Rougemont 2012: 70-1, no. 32 (French trans.)
2)FD III 1 394; Bousquet 1956: 588 (French trans.)
Bousquet argues that both texts belong to the same dossier and the second one is the answer of Delphi to the dogma of the Koinon, their decision, a bilateral agreement (Bousquet 1956: 588)
Online Resources CID I 12
CID I 11
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
Literary source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script 1) Copy of the decree passed by the koinon of the Asklapiadai about the privileges of its member Asklepiades in Delphi.
2) Decree of Delphi mentioning the religious and civil privileges the city granted to the Asklapiadai
3) Pseudo-Hippocratic text mentioning among others the participation of the Asclepiad Nebros and his son Chrysos in the First Sacred War as well as the visit of Hippocrates and his son Thessalos in Delphi
i.c. Physical format(s) 1) Marble stele, pyramidal in shape, broken in the middle and at the bottom. The upper and the lower part do not fit each other
ii. Source(s) provenance 1) From the Early Byzantine pavement of the Sacred Way above the location of the tripod of Plataea


ii. References to buildings/objects 3) Hippodrome and tomb of Chrysos in Delphi


iii. Members The member of the association are called Ἀσκλαπιάδαι, Asklapiadai (CID I 12, l. 9-10, 20) and are Asclepius' descendants in the male line, κατά ἀνδρο[γέν]ειαν, kata androgeneian (l. 9-11)


ii. Gender Men


Deities worshipped Asclepius, Apollo
iv. Honours/Other activities Delphi granted to the Asklapiadai of Kos and Knidos the privileges of preliminary sacrifice (προθυσία, prothysia; in the text προμυθίη, promythie, corrected to προθυσίη, prothysie by Bousquet 1956, 584-5), priority in consulting the oracle, (προμαντεία, promanteia: presbeutikos 414-415), public hospitality (ξενία δαμόσια, xenia damosia), front seats at public games (προεδρία ἐν ἀγώνεσσιν, proedria en agonessin), exemption from civil taxes (ἀτέλειαν τῶν ὁσίων, ateleian ton hosion) and the same rights as the citizens of Delphi (ἐπιτιμὰ καθάπερ Δελφοῖς, epitima kathaper Delphois; CID I 12, 19-26). Also Delphi, apart from the other victims, offered (if necessary, from the public property) two more in addition to those of the Asklapiadai, one to be sacrificed to Athena Pronaia and the other one to Asclepius (l. 6-18). (Bousquet 1956: 582-90; Smith 1990: 15).


ii. Interaction abroad They granted religious and civil privileges in Delphi. The interaction between the Asklapiadai and Delphi is going back to the time of the First Sacred War, According to [Hippocrates]presbeutikos 409-415 the Amphiktyones following Pythia's oracle asked Nebros and his son to help them. Nebros restored health in the Amphictyonic camp and threw hellebore in the springs of the Krisseans who weakened due to the effect of the herb. The Amphictyones occupied the city but Chrysos was killed during the attack. He was burried in the Hippodrome and revered as a hero. They also granted the Asklapiadai the privileges of prothysia and promantia which were renewed and engraved in a stele after the visit of Hippocrates and Thessalos in Delphi. J. Bousquet argues that the inscriptions validated the presbeutikos as a historical document (Bousquet 1956: 585-6). On the contrary W.D. Smith thinks that the first stone verifies that the myths of the presbeutikos were told against a background of noble Asclepiad clan (Smith 1990:16).


i. Comments There is no evidence connecting the Asklapiadai with the medical profession (cf. L. Robert, 'Décret des Asclepiastes de Kolophon', REA 28, 1926: 7-9). The name could be used generically for physicians as well as for non-physicians who claimed to belong to the family of Asclepius (Smith 1990: 16-17). Cf. also the dedication of an Asklepiades from Selinous in Delphi in the second half od the 5th c. BC (FD III1, 506; Jacquemin-Mulliez-Rougemont 2012: 8)
iii. Bibliography Pomtow, H. (1918), ‘Delphische Neufund III: Hippokrates und die Asklepiaden in Delphi’, Klio 15: 303-38.
Sudhoff, K. (1927), Kos and Knidos, München.
Bousquet, J. (1956): ‘Inscriptions de Delphes’, BCH 80: 579-90.
Smith, W.D. (1990), Hippocrates: Pseudepigraphic Writings, Leiden.
Tausend, K. (1992), Amphiktyonie und Symmachie, Stuttgart: 44-6.
Golder, W. (2007), Hippokrates und das Corpus Hippocraticum, Würzburg: 102-3, no. 3.72.
Jacquemin, A., Mulliez, D., and Rougemont, G. (2012), Choix d'inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées. Athènes.


i. Private association Certain
Note The theophoric elements and the kinship between its member make the private character of the group unquestionable
ii. Historical authenticity It is epigraphically attested