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Last Updated on 14 Jan 2019

Author: Cassandre Hartenstein

CAPInv. 1686: U-EGY-051


i. Geographical area Egypt
ii. Nome Arsinoites (00)


i. Association with unknown name U-EGY-051


i. Date(s) 192 - 100 BC


iii. Descriptive terms pȝ ʿ.wy
Note pȝ ʿ.wy: Arlt & Monson 2010 ll. x+4, x+5.


i. Source(s) Arlt & Monson 2010 = P. Stanford Green Dem. 21 (early II BC)
Online Resources TM 129749
i.a. Source type(s) Papyrological source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script This fragment of a Demotic papyrus contains some parts of the rules of a Ptolemaic association.
i.c. Physical format(s) The papyrus (8 x 21 cm) comes from a mummy cartonnage that was cut into the form of a foot.
ii. Source(s) provenance The provenance is unsure (Backias?).


iii. Members Referred as nȝy pȝ ʿ.wy l. x+4 ('those from the association').
vi. Laws and rules If one member steals something belonging to the association, he must pay a fine (x+5): pȝ rmṯ n-ỉm⸗n nay ỉw⸗f ḏwy nkt ỉs pȝ ʿ.wy ⸢n (?) ḏwy(.t)⸣ [m]tw⸗s ʿḥʿ rt.wy n⸗f pȝy⸗f qns ḥḏ 15
If someone does not obey to the rules, his fine will be of 50 deben (l.x+7): pȝ rmṯ n-ỉm⸗n nty ỉw⸗f] ⸢stȝ.ṱ⸗⸣ [f (?) r] ⸢tm⸣ (?) ỉr r-ẖ.t nȝ hp.w nty sẖ {nty} ḥry ỉw⸗f dỉ.t ḥḏ 50 "The man among us who will refuse to act according to the rules that are written above, he will give 50 deben for the burnt offerings and libations to the kings...').
vii. Judicial system If one of the members reports a problem in the association to judicial instances outside the association without having reported it inside first, he will have a fine of 6 deben (l. X+4): Pȝ rmṯ n-ỉm⸗n nty ỉw⸗f smy r rmṯ n ỉm⸗n (n) ... ⸢rmṯ⸣ ỉw⸗f hb n-ḏr.t pr-ʿȝ (r) bn-pw⸗f smy (n) nȝy pȝ ʿ.wy tȝ ḥȝ.t pȝy⸗f qns [ḥḏ] 6 ỉw⸗f smy (n) nȝy [pȝ ʿw.y... "The man among us who will report one of us to...a man sent by the king without having reported to those of the association first, his fine is 6 (deben). If he reports to those of the association..."
viii. Obligations Each member must give a contribution (l. X+1 et x+2, the lines are incomplete).


iii. Bibliography C. Arlt & A. Monson (2010), "Rules of an Egyptian Religious Association from the Early Second Century BCE", in H. Knuf, C. Leitz, and D. von Recklinghausen, eds. Honi soit qui mal y pense. Studien zum pharaonischen, griechisch-römischen und spätantiken Ägypten zu Ehren von Heinz-Josef Thissen, Leuven: 113-122.


i. Private association Certain
Note The contents and the formulation of the text is specific to associations rules.