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Last Updated on 22 Feb 2017

Author: Ilias Arnaoutoglou

CAPInv. 308: eranos


i. Geographical area Attica with Salamis
ii. Region Attica
iii. Site Mesogaia.


i. Full name (original language) ἔρανος (IG II2 1369, ll. 26, 40, 42)
ii. Full name (transliterated) eranos


i. Date(s) s. ii AD


iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος, synodos
Note synodos: IG II2 1369, l. 32. See Baslez 2004: 112.


i. Source(s) IG II2 1369 (second half II AD)
Note Ed. pr.: CIG 126
Other publications: Lueders no. 1; Prott - Ziehen II i 47; Foucart no. 20; Michel no. 1563; LSCG 53; GRA I 49; AGRW 8.
Cf. SEG 25: 175; 31: 122; 44: 255; 45: 2351; 55: 1975. BE 1980: no. 223
Online Resources IG II2 1369 and AGRW ID 3026
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Law of eranistai (νόμος ἐρανιστῶν, nomos eraniston, l. 30), regulating admission, tenure of offices, and disciplinary matters, in Greek. The inscription is preceded by a metrical text, recording the date and the foundation of the group defined as ἔρανος, eranos ll. 24-29.
i.c. Physical format(s) The stone is now lost.
ii. Source(s) provenance It was last seen built in a church in Liopesi (mod. Paiania) in Mesogaia.


ii. Leadership προστάτης, prostates (l. 34)
iii. Members Members are referred to as ἐρανισταί, eranistai, ll. 30, 32.
iv. Officials Chief eranistes (ἀρχιεραν̣ισ̣τής, archieranistes, l. 35)
Secretary (γραμματεύς, grammateus, l. 35)
Treasurers (ταμίαι, tamiai, l. 36)
Advocates (σύνδικοι, syndikoi, l. 36)
ὁμολείτωρ, homoleitor, l. 38

The officials of the group (with the exception of prostates and homoleitor) are elected annually, l. 35.
Homoleitor is appointed for life, l. 38: ὁμολείτωρ δὲ ἔ〚ι〛στω δ[ιὰ] βίου αὐτο[ῦ], homoleitor de e〚i〛sto d[ia] biou.
vi. Laws and rules νόμος ἐρανιστῶν, nomos eraniston (l. 30). The law regulates the admission of new members establishing a scrutiny of the moral values of the candidate (πρ̣ὶ̣ν ἂν δοκι|μασθῇ εἴ ἐστι ἁ[γν]ὸς καὶ εὐσεβὴς καὶ ἀγ̣|α[θ]ός̣, prin an dokimasthe ei esti ha[gn]os kai eusebes kai aga[th]os) by the prostates, the chief eranistes, the secretary, the treasurers and the advocates, ll. 31-36.
The term in office of different magistrates is also regulated, ll. 36-39 (see VII.iv).
vii. Judicial system Causing trouble (μά|χας ἢ θορύβ̣ους κεινῶν φαίνοιτο, machas e thorybous keinon phainoito) in the meetings of the group is punished with expulsion (ἐκβαλλέσθω τοῦ ἐράνου, ekballestho tou eranou), a fine of 25 Attic drachmas or double lashes (i.e. 50) without any further decision to be required (πέ〚τ〛ρα κρίσεως, pe〚t〛ra kriseos), ll. 40-44; for this phrase see Wilhelm 1909: 149-50.
viii. Obligations Members of the association had the duty to refrain from any trouble or fight, ll. 40-41 (see VII.vii).


iii. Income Sources of income of the association included the fine imposed to anyone initiating troubles or fights.


i. Comments In the metrical text preceding the law, the archonship of Tauriskos is mentioned.
Raubitschek 1981 has suggested that this group is to be identified with the one recorded in SEG 31: 122 (CAPInv. 349); cf. Arnaoutoglou 2003: 83-4.
ii. Poland concordance Poland A50
iii. Bibliography Arnaoutoglou, I. (2003), Thusias heneka kai sunousias. Private religious associations in Hellenistic Athens. Athens: 96-7, 125-7.
Baslez, M.-F. (2004), ‘Les notables entre eux. Recherches sur les associations d’Athènes à l’époque romaine’, in S. Follet (ed.), L’Hellénisme d’époque romaine: Nouveaux documents, nouvelles approches (Ier s. a.C. – IIIe s. p.C.) (Actes du colloque international à la mémoire de Louis Robert, Paris, 7-8 juillet 2000). Paris: 105-20. (SEG 55: 29)
Croenert, W. (1907), ‘Eine attische Inschrift’, JOAI 10: Beibl. 101-2.
Raubitschek, A. (1981), ‘A new Attic club (eranos)’, GMusJ 9: 93-8.
Robert, L. (1979), ‘Deux inscriptions de l'epoque imperiale en Attique’, AJPh 100: 153-9. (SEG 29: 139)
San Nicolo, S. (1927), ‘Zur Vereinsgerichtsbarkeit im hellenistischen Agypten’, in H. Swoboda (ed.), Epitymbion, Reichenberg: 255-300.
Wilhelm, A. (1896), ‘Ein attisches Vereinsgesetz’, in Serta Harteliana. Wien: 231-5.
Wilhelm, A. (1909), ‘Inschriften aus Erythrai und Chios’, JÖAI 12: 126-50.


i. Private association Certain
Note The association displays most of the hallmarks of a private association: distinct name, membership, and organization.