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Last Updated on 22 May 2019

Author: Nikolaos Giannakopoulos

CAPInv. 735: phamilia monomachon ton peri Kalydona


i. Geographical area Eastern Asia Minor
ii. Region Pontus
iii. Site Amisos


i. Full name (original language) φαμιλία μονομάχων τῶν περὶ Καλύδωνα (Studia Pontica 2, ll. 7-8)
ii. Full name (transliterated) phamilia monomachon ton peri Kalydona


i. Date(s) 209 / 210 AD


ii. Name elements
Personal:peri ton Kalydona
iii. Descriptive terms φαμιλία, phamilia
Note phamilia: Studia Pontica 2, l. 7


i. Source(s) Studia Pontica 2 (209 / 210 AD)
Note See also:
Robert 1971: 130 no. 78.
Online Resources Studia Pontica 2
AGRW ID# 13194
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedication in Greek commemorating gladiatorial games.
ii. Source(s) provenance The inscription was found at Samsoun (Amisos).


ii. Leadership As the editors suggest, the very name of the group indicates that it was headed by Kalydon who was probably the lanista (trainer) of this band of gladiators. See also Robert 1971: 285.


iv. Status On the basis of the gladiatorial nature of the group, it is possible that at least some of the members may have been slaves.


iv. Honours/Other activities As the type of the monument suggests, the phamilia participated in gladiatorial games organised by the Pontarchs M. Iulios Iulianos and his wife Sysstelia Kyrille within the framework of the imperial cult (cf. below under field XII.i: Comments).


i. Local interaction On the formal relationship between the phamilia and the Pontarchs, see above under field X.iv: Honours/other activities. Since the origin of the phamilia is not known, we cannot safely characterize these contacts either as local interaction or as interaction abroad.
ii. Interaction abroad See above.


i. Comments The inscription is dated to the 241st year of the Actian era.
Inscriptions of phamilia type were parts of larger monuments commemorating gladiatorial games and usually depicting portraits of gladiators and combat scenes. They were normally erected by the munerarii and indicated their status (see Robert 1971: 55-64 and 270; Carter 2004: 44-5). In this respect, the phrase πονταρχούντων Μ. Ἰουλίου Ἰουλιανοῦ καὶ Συσστηλίας Κυρίλλης (pontarchounton M. Iouliou Ioulianou kai Sysstelias Kyrilles) should be considered as an additional dating formula demonstrating the identity of the organizers of the games to which the phamilia participated. Harland’s translation (AGRW ID# 13194: In the 241st year, grave of (?) the family of single-combatants who are around Kalydon belonging to the Pontarch M. Julius Julianus and Sestyllia Cyrilla, his wife) misinterprets both the type of the monument (as Robert 1971: 57 has noted the opening formula ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ, agathei tychei, does not fit an epitaph) and the character of the phamilia’s relation to the couple of the Pontarchs. Ownership of a gladiatorial group is indicated by the formula phamilia monomachon + the names of the owners in the genitive case (see now Carter 2004: 44 and 66-8 with evidence from the province of Asia). In our inscription however the formula phamilia monomachon ton peri ton Kalydona indicates a group formed around its lanista: the Pontarchs were the employers, not the owners, of this phamilia (see the editorial comments and Robert 1971: 285).
On gladiatorial associations see also Wiedemann 1992: 117-8.
iii. Bibliography Carter, M. (2004), ‘Archiereis and Asiarchs: A Gladiatorial Perspective’, GRBS 44: 41-68.
Robert, L. (1971), Les gladiateurs dans l’Orient grec. Amsterdam.
Wiedemann, T. (1992), Emperors and Gladiators. London.


i. Private association Certain
Note The term phamilia monomachon suggests that this was a private association of gladiators.