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Last Updated on 03 Jul 2019

Author: Annelies Cazemier

CAPInv. 860: to koinon ton aleiphomenon


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Amorgos
iii. Site Minoa


i. Full name (original language) τὸ κοινὸν τῶν ἀλειφομένων (IG XII.7 235, ll. 2-3; 19-20)
ii. Full name (transliterated) to koinon ton aleiphomenon


i. Date(s) ii - i BC


i. Name in other forms οἱ ἀλειφόμενοι, hoi aleiphomenoi (IG XII.7 235, l. 27) -- shorter, without koinon
ii. Name elements
iii. Descriptive terms κοινόν, koinon


i. Source(s) IG XII.7 235 (ii-i BC) -- this is the only source which certainly attests to a koinon of aleiphomenoi (ll. 2-3; 19-20; cf. 27) at Minoa

Other sources concerning aleiphomenoi, without (certain) mention of koinon:
SEG 33.696 (ca. 100 BC: Knoepfler 1988: 227; cf. SEG 38.849) -- honorary decree of aleiphomenoi (ton politon); the restoration toi [k]oi[n]oi (beginning of l. 5) is disputed; see Pleket in SEG 33.696; cf. Knoepfler 1988: 227.
IG XII.7 234 (ii-i BC) -- fragmentary honorary decree mentioning [a]leiphomenoi (ll. 22-3) and possibly [to koinon to]n alei[phomenon] (ll. 1-2, heavily restored)
IG XII.7 233 (ii-i BC) -- fragmentary civic decree which seems to mention aleiphomenoi (restored, ll. 22-3; cf. 15)
IG XII.7 232 (ii-i BC) -- fragmentary text mentioning aleipho[menoi] (l. 8)
Online Resources IG XII.7 235

IG XII.7 232
IG XII.7 233
IG XII.7 234
SEG 33.696 (old text); cf. SEG 38.849
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script IG XII.7 235: honorary decree. Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) IG XII.7 235: slab of marble, broken on the left; inscribed in columns; left column(s) missing
ii. Source(s) provenance IG XII.7 235: found at ancient Minoa (Deschamps 1888: 326); subsequently taken to the museum of Syros (Delamarre in IG XII.7 235; cf. Marangou 2002: 109, n. 313; 224, n. 531)


ii. References to buildings/objects εἰκών (γραπτὴ), eikon (grapte) (IG XII.7 235, l. 24; cf. 17)
γυμνάσιον, gymnasion (IG XII.7 235, l. 18; 23)
ὁ ἐπιφανέστατος τοῦ γυμνασίου τόπος, ho epiphanestatos tou gymnasiou topos (IG XII.7 235, l. 23; cf. l. 18: ἐν τῶι γυμνασίωι, οὗ ἂν αὐτὸς βούληται, en toi gymnasioi, hou an autos bouletai)

note also (not directly related to the aleiphomenoi):
στέφανος (χρύσος), stephanos (chrysos) (IG XII.7 235, ll. 6-7; 8; 10; cf. 16)


iv. Officials γυμνασιαρχήσας, gymnasiarchesas (IG XII.7 235, l. 11), named Eunomides son of Aristeas, not necessarily a gymnasiarch specifically of the koinon of the aleiphomenoi. Having performed the office of gymnasiarch well, Eunomides is honored with a crown by the demos as well as being honoured with a painted image at the gymnasion by the demos and koinon together (see below: Honours/other activities).
ὑπογυμνασίαρχος, hypogymnasiarchos (IG XII.7 235, l. 25), named Archeleos son of Aristeides, not necessarily an official specifically of the koinon of the aleiphomenoi. Archeleos is in charge of setting up the painted image in honour of Eunomides at the gymnasion.

note also (not directly related to the aleiphomenoi):
ἱεροκῆρυξ, hierokeryx(IG XII.7 235, l. 7)
[ἱε]ρεῖς, [hie]reis (IG XII.7 235, l. 16)
ἀγωνο[θέται], agono[thetai] (IG XII.7 235, ll. 16-17)


iv. Status In SEG 33.696, the aleiphomenoi are specifically called citizens (politai, l. 1; cf. 5-6).


iv. Honours/Other activities The former gymnasiarch Eunomides son of Aristeas is honored by the demos and the koinon of aleiphomenoi with a painted image (eikon grapte) at the gymnasion, wherever he would like it. The honorary decree (IG XII.7 235) includes the inscription to be set up with the image (ll. 19-21). It says that the demos and the koinon ton aleiphomenon honor Eunomides, son of Aristeas, for his excellence (ll. 20-1: ἀρετή, arete) and goodness (l. 21: καλοκἀγαθία, kalokagathia) toward it. The setting up of the image is to be supervised by the hypogymnasiarchos Archeleos. The honorary decree, which also mentions a golden crown (chrysos stephanos) awarded to Eunomides by the demos, is to be inscribed in the most conspicious spot of the gymnasion (l. 23: ὁ ἐπιφανέστατος τοῦ γυμνασίου τόπος, ho epiphanestatos tou gymnasiou topos). The gratitude (l. 28: χάρις, charis) on behalf of the aleiphomenoi and the demos toward men who are kind and good (ll. 28-9: εἰς τοὺς καλοὺς καὶ ἀγαθοὺς τῶν ἀνδρῶν, eis tous kalous kai agathous ton andron) is to be abundantly clear (l. 26: εὔδηλος, eudelos) to all.


i. Local interaction The aleiphomenoi honor a gymnasiarch together with the demos, by setting up a painted image at the gymnasion.


ii. Poland concordance Poland N 51a (= IG XII.7 235)
Poland N 51b (= IG XII.7 232)
Poland N 51c (= IG XII.7 233)
Poland N 51d (= IG XII.7 234)
iii. Bibliography Deschamps, G. (1888), 'Fouilles dans l'île d'Amorgos', BCH 12: 324-7.
Knoepfler, D. (1988), Review of: Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 33, in Gnomon 60: 222-35.
Marangou, L.I. (2002), Ἀμοργὸς I. Ἡ Μινώα: ἡ πόλις, ὁ λιμὴν καὶ ἡ μείζων περιφέρεια. Athens.


i. Private association Probable
Note The use of the term koinon suggests that the aleiphomenoi formed an association. It is difficult to say to what extent it should be considered a 'private' body. The koinon ton aleiphomenon is mentioned beside the demos; together with the demos they honor a former gymnasiarch.