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Last Updated on 04 Jul 2019

Author: Annelies Cazemier

CAPInv. 898: [he synodo]s ton en Deloi Ar[adion] ?


i. Geographical area Aegean Islands
ii. Region Delos
iii. Site Delos


i. Full name (original language) [ἡ σύνοδο]ς τῶν ἐν Δήλωι Ἀρ[αδίων] ? (I.Délos 1543, l. 1; with SEG 37.691; cf. 45.1045)
ii. Full name (transliterated) [he synodo]s ton en Deloi Ar[adion] ?


i. Date(s) 162 - 150 BC


ii. Name elements
Ethnic:Aradioi ? -- The attestation of this ethnic relies on a new reading and restoration of the text. See below: 'Comments'.
Geographical:en Deloi
iii. Descriptive terms σύνοδος, synodos ?


i. Source(s) I.Délos 1543 (162-150 BC) with SEG 37.691; cf. 45.1045
Note old eds.:
Roussel 1987: 431, no. 59
Durrbach, Choix 88
see also:
Trümper 2011: 78, no. 18
Online Resources I.Délos 1543 with SEG 37.691
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Honorary statue. Greek.
i.c. Physical format(s) Part of an exedra (later re-used for another inscription: I.Délos 1702).
ii. Source(s) provenance East of the 'Portique de Philippe'.


iv. Status If Baslez's reading and restoration of I.Délos 1543, line 1 ([ἡ σύνοδο]ς τῶν ἐν Δήλωι Ἀρ[αδίων], [he synodo]s ton en Deloi Ar[adion]) are correct, the inscription was set up by an association of Aradians on Delos. Their existence, however, relies almost completely on restoration and is by no means certain. See below: 'Comments'.


iv. Honours/Other activities The text is fragmentary, but it seems that an association (I.Délos 1543, l. 1: synodos, restored) or other group on Delos (l. 1: en Deloi) set up an honorary statue of Menochares, son of Dionysios, one of the 'first friends' (l. [πρῶτοι φί]λοι, [protoi phi]loi, restored) and secretary (l. 4: [ἐπιστολο]γράφος, [epistolo]graphos) of king Demetrios. This king has been identified as Demetrios I of Syria (162-150 BC) and Menochares is known also from other sources (see Durrbach, Choix 88; Roussel and Launey in I.Délos 1543). On Delos, Menochares was honored for his munificence (l. φιλοτιμία, philotimia) and possibly his benevolence (l. εὔνοια, eunoia, entirely restored) towards the king and those setting up the statue.


ii. Interaction abroad If the inscription was indeed set up by an association (synodos, restored), they honored an official (Menochares) associated to king Demetrios I of Syria.


i. Comments The inscription is fragmentary and its reading and restoration are uncertain. Old editions provide a
reading of [ἡ σύνοδο]ς τῶν ἐν Δήλωι Λ -- -- --, [he synodo]s ton en Deloi L-- -- -- (Roussel 1987: 431, no. 59; Durrbach, Choix 88) or [ἡ
σύνοδο]ς τῶν ἐν Δήλωι ΛΙ -- -- --, [he synodo]s ton en Deloi AL -- -- -- (Roussel and Launey in I.Délos 1543; cf. Trümper 2011: 78, no. 18).
More recently, Baslez (1987: 276, n. 59; 1994: 30-1; cf. SEG 37.691; 45.1045) has suggested that we
should read and restore [ἡ σύνοδο]ς τῶν ἐν Δήλωι Ἀρ[αδίων], [he synodo]s ton en Deloi Ar[adion] suggesting that the inscription may have
been set up by an association of people originating from Arados. While individual Aradians are attested
on Delos, the reading proposed by Baslez it not certain.
iii. Bibliography Baslez, M.-F. (1987), 'Le rôle et la place des Phéniciens dans la vie économique des ports de l'Égée', in E. Lipiński (ed.), Phoenicia and the East Mediterranean in the first millennium B.C. (Studia Phoenicia V), Leuven: 267-85.
Baslez, M.-F. (1994), 'La politique et les affaires: à propos de deux familles orientales de Délos, à l’époque romaine', Ktema 19: 27-37.
Roussel, P. (1987), Délos: colonie athénienne. rev. ed. Paris.
Trümper, M. (2011), ‘Where the non-Delians met in Delos: the meeting-places of foreign associations and ethnic communities in late Hellenistic Delos’, in O.M. van Nijf and R. Alston (eds.) Political culture in the Greek city after the classical age, Leuven: 49-100.


i. Private association Possible
Note While it is possible that I.Délos 1543 concerns an association, the use of the term synodos depends almost entirely on restoration. The reading and restoration of Ar[adion] are also uncertain.