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Last Updated on 18 Jun 2019

Author: Stella Skaltsa

CAPInv. 1007: ho chous


i. Geographical area Western Asia Minor
ii. Region Mysia
iii. Site Panormos (Bandurma)


i. Full name (original language) ὁ χοῦς (GIBM IV 1007 l. 3)
ii. Full name (transliterated) ho chous


i. Date(s) i BC - ii AD


i. Source(s) GIBM IV 1007 (i BC - ii AD)
Note According to Cook (1964-65: 882) the ligatures in the inscription point to a date in the ii AD.

RA 17 (1891): 10 no. 1
Perdizet 1899: 592-3 no. 1
ARGW 110
Online Resources IMT Kyz PropKueste 1918
i.a. Source type(s) Epigraphic source(s)
i.b. Document(s) typology & language/script Dedicatory inscription in Greek to Zeus Hypsistos and the chous.
i.c. Physical format(s) Pedimental stele. The inscription is engraved in the pediment. The shaft of the stele is divided into three registers bearing relief decoration. The lower register depicts four figures engaged in different activities (a seated figure playing the double flute, a nude female dancer, a nude dancing figure with a Phrygian cap and percussion instruments, and a man at the wine bowl; the middle one depicts 6 reclining figures on a couch; the upper one is decorated with a recessed panel framed by two pilasters surmounted by an entablature and pediment. Three figures stand to the front. In light of their attributes they have been identified as Zeus, Artemis (or Dionysos) and Apollo.
ii. Source(s) provenance Bandura


ii. References to buildings/objects τὸν τελαμῶνα, ton telamona (l. 5) (i.e. stele)


iv. Officials ἐπώνυμος, eponymos (l. 3)


iii. Worship The dedication is addressed to Zeus Hypsistos and the chous.
Deities worshipped Zeus Hypsistos
iv. Honours/Other activities Thallos, the eponymos (official), dedicated the telamon to Zeus Hypsistos and the chous.


i. Comments Marshall (GIBM IV 1007) reads τῷ χώρῳ in line 3.
Pedrizet understands: 'bourg'
Murray, Smith and Cumont thought χώρῳ a blunder for χορῷ.
Ziebarth following Reinach (REG 1894: 391) takes χῷ to stand for an association.
iii. Bibliography Cook, A.B. (1964-65), Zeus: A study in the ancient religion, vol. 2
Cumont, F. (1897), Hypsistos: 12: no. 3
Lechat, H. & Radet, G. (1883), BCH 17: 520
Murrary, A.S. (1891), RA 1: 10 no. 1
Perdrizet, M. (1899), 'Reliefs mysiens', BCH 23: 592-93
Poland, F. (1909): 370
Reinach, T. (1894), REG: 391
Smith, A.H. (1892-1904), A catalogue of sculpture in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum. vol. 1, London: 374 no. 817.
Ziebart, E (1905), 'ΧΟΥΣ', MDAI(A) 30: 145-6


i. Private association Probable
Note Given the uncertainties in the reading of the name (see XII.i) the identification of the group is not certain. However, in light of another group called chous (CAPInv. 1006) it is reasonable to suggests that the descriptive term chous could denote a private association in the region of Mysia in late Hellenistic/ Roman times.